List of commonly used abbreviations
From SpiralKnights
This is an alphabetical list of commonly used abbreviations that a player may encounter in the game or on the forums.
- AoA = Ash of Agni
- AP = Argent Peacemaker
- BC = Blackened Crest
- BS = Battle Sprite
- BTB = Barbarous Thorn Blade
- BTS = Barbarous Thorn Shield
- DA = Divine Avenger
- DCB = Deadly Crystal Bomb
- DR = Dark Retribution
- CIC = Cold Iron Carver
- CIV = Cold Iron Vanquisher
- CoA = Crest of Almire
- DVS = Dread Venom Striker
- FoV = Fang of Vog
- GF = Gran Faust
- GOS = Grey Owlite Shield
- LB = Leviathan Blade
- LHB = Lionheart Honor Blade
- RSS = Radiant Sun Shards
- SB = Shivermist Buster
- SSB = Swiftstrike Buckler or Shocking Salt Bomb
- SS = Stagger Storm
- SSS = Scintillating Sun Shards
- VT = Voltaic Tempest
- VV = Venom Veiler
- VPS = Volcanic Plate Shield
- WRH = Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Abilities and Unique Variants
- ASI = Attack Speed Increase
- ASD = Attack Speed Decrease
- CTI = Charge Time Increase
- CTR = Charge Time Reduction
- IAS = Increased Attack Speed (Same as Attack Speed Increase.)
- MSD = Movement Speed Decrease
- MSI = Movement Speed Increase
- UV = Unique variant
Locations, Missions, and Bosses
- AH = Auction House
- ALC = Alchemy Machine
- ATH = Advanced Training Hall
- C42 = Compound 42
- FSC = Firestorm Citadel
- GitM = Ghosts in the Machine
- GW or GWW = Gloaming Wildwoods
- HoI = Heart of Ice
- IMF or ICMF = Ironclaw Munitions Factory
- IQ = Ice Queen
- JK = Jelly King (but also "just kidding")
- KoA = King of Ashes
- LoA = Legion of Almire
- RJP = Royal Jelly Palace
- RT = Roarmulus Twins
- RRT Red Roarmulus Twins
- UFSC or SFSC = Shadow Lair: Firestorm Citadel
- UGW, SGW, UGWW, or SGWW = Shadow Lair: Gloaming Wildwoods
- UIMF or SIMF = Shadow Lair: Ironclaw Munitions Factory
- URJP, SRJP, or IQP = Shadow Lair: Royal Jelly Palace
Materials and Rarities
- SoL = Spark of Life
- OoA = Orb of Alchemy
- FC = Fire Crystal
- EC = Evo Catalyst
- AFK = Away From Keyboard
- ATM = At The Moment
- BN = Blast Network
- brb = be right back
- CE = Energy
- cr = Crowns
- D(xx) = Depth xx
- gg = Good game
- gj = Good job
- gl = Good luck
- E = Energy
- hf = Have fun
- IGN = In Game Name
- LD = Lockdown
- LF = Looking For
- mat(s) = Materials
- ME = Mist Energy
- NP = No Problem
- NPC = Non-Player Characters
- OMG = Oh My God
- OOO = Three Rings
- OP = Overpowered, or in the forums Opening Post, Original Poster, etc.
- PST = Please send tell
- PUG = Pick-Up Group
- Thx = thanks
- ToS = Terms of Service
- TS = Forums: Topic/Thread Starter
- TY = thank you
- T(x) = Tier x
- UP = Underpowered
- WTB = Want to buy
- WTS = Want to sell
- WTT = Want to trade
- YW = You're Welcome