Dialogue Mission

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The start button for a Dialogue Mission uses the Map-icon-conversation.png dialogue symbol.

A Dialogue Mission is a type of rank mission that only consists of dialogue with one or more NPCs. They usually provide tips and tend to be a significant source of lore for Spiral Knights.

Please note that the table of contents on this page is unrelated to the subrank number.

Rank 1

Should You Choose to Accept

Mission-Should You Choose to Accept.png
1-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:


Followed By:

1-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: The Ancient Generator

Mission Info


Before you attempt to investigate the monster-infested depths below the Rescue Camp, Rhendon would like to get you up to speed about taking on missions for Spiral HQ.


Find and talk to Rhendon to gain access to missions.




First Contact

Mission-First Contact.png
1-3 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

1-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: The Ancient Generator

Followed By:

1-4 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Crossing the Chasm

Mission Info


With the power restored to the Rescue Camp, you can now use your comlink to contact Spiral HQ and find out where they have located after the crash of the Skylark. Once you have made contact with Spiral HQ you will hopefully find out what caused the crash and the nature of this alien world you now inhabit.


Contact Spiral HQ via comlink




Rank 2

Welcome to Haven!

Mission-Welcome to Haven!.png
2-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

1-4 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Crossing the Chasm

Followed By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Reporting for Duty

Mission Info


Having survived the journey to Haven you must contact intel Agent Kora via comlink and give her your report. She has information as to what to do next as well as special instructions on the use of energy.


Contact Intel Agent Kora via Comlink




Reporting for Duty

Mission-Reporting for Duty.png
2-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Welcome to Haven!

Followed By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Let's Go Shopping!

Mission Info


Lieutenant Feron is responsible for overseeing the Clockworks mining operation in the Haven Arcade. Report to him and learn about the situation in Haven and Spiral HQ's mission to reach the Core of Cradle.


Report to Lieutenant Feron in the Haven Arcade




Let's Go Shopping!

Mission-Let's Go Shopping!.png
2-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Reporting for Duty

Followed By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Pumping Up

Mission Info


The Haven Bazaar is a place where all manners of item-related goods and services can be found. Whether you're in the market for a more powerful sword or just want to make your armor stand out in a crowd, it's got what you need!


Visit the Haven Bazaar and discover what it has to offer




Pumping Up

Mission-Pumping Up.png
2-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Let's Go Shopping!

Followed By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: A Visit to the Lab

Mission Info


You are free to use the Advanced Training Hall whenever you like in order to practice with new weapons or learn about other unique features of the Clockworks. Check it out and see what it has to offer!


Visit the Advanced Training Hall and learn some helpful new techniques



??? (please use Template:Dialogue with NPC names in title)

A Visit to the Lab

Mission-A Visit to the Lab.png
2-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

2-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Pumping Up

Followed By:

2-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: A Revelation in Flames

Mission Info


Biotech Morlin is in charge of the Lab located in the Haven Garrison. He seeks a capable knight willing to brave the clockworks in order to secure a cache of 'battle sprites' lost during the crash of the Skylark.


Visit the lab and meet with Biotech Morlin




Alchemy for Beginners

Mission-Alchemy for Beginners.png
2-2 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

2-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: The Phantom Mask

Followed By:

2-2 Interface-icon-Supply.png Mission: Time to Get Crafty

Mission Info


Alchemy is a craft mastered by the Spiral Knights that allows for the inherent powers of various materials to awaken and fuse with each other in order to form powerful, new items! The Spiral Order has relied on alchemy as their primary means of creating the very arsenals that Knights have relied upon for centuries.

Discover how it will become an important part of your survival on this alien world.


Learn about the wonders of alchemy!




An Eternal Bond

Mission-An Eternal Bond.png
2-3 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

2-2 Interface-icon-Supply.png Mission: Time to Get Crafty

Followed By:

2-3 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: The Collector

Mission Info


Morlin has prepared three of the battle sprites you rescued for you to evaluate. You have been authorized to choose one of these battle sprites and become bonded with it. This battle sprite will forever aid you in your future adventures, so choose wisely.

This mission cannot be repeated.


Talk to Morlin and choose a battle sprite as your companion




Rank 3

A Prestigious Opportunity

Mission-A Prestigious Opportunity.png
3-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

2-3 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: The Collector

Followed By:

3-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: Minerals Rock!

Mission Info


It seems you have been excelling in the eyes of Spiral HQ. Contact Intel Agent Kora and learn how you can take on extra mission from Spiral HQ.


Contact Intel Agent Kora and receive Prestige Mission authorization




Minerals Rock!

Mission-Minerals Rock!.png
3-1 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

3-1 Interface-icon-Dialogue.png Mission: A Prestigious Opportunity

Followed By:

3-1 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Alien Ooze

Mission Info


Chief Geo Knight Wegner is responsible for researching the strange minerals that Knights have begun mining from within the Clockworks. He believes that they may hold the answer to gaining entry into the Core and retrieving the energy needed to restore the Skylark

Meet with him in the Haven Arcade and gain an understanding of how you can help his research as well as harness the true power of the Haven Arcade!


Report to Chief Geo Knight Wegner in the Haven Arcade




The Pioneers

Mission-The Pioneers.png
3-2 Rank Mission
Preceded By:

Interface-icon-Supply.png Prestige Mission: Monstrous Research

Followed By:

3-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Faith in Armor

Mission Info


After the crash of the Skylark, Captain Ozlo selected an elite squad of Spiral Knights to be the first to enter the Clockworks. They were never seen again. Contact Intel Agent Kora and learn how you will play a role in solving this mystery.


Contact Intel Agent Kora via comlink




Rank 4

Rank 5

Rank 6

Rank 7

Rank 8

Rank 9

Rank 10

See Also

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