NPC: Knight
In Dreams and Nightmares:
- Pending ??? (describe behavior in DaN)
Vaelyn is an NPC.
This character has been in the game since release 2011-04-04 when the game officially launched. Her appearance used to be a miscellaneous NPC knight in guardian armor. This was likely changed with release 2012-01-30.
Vaelyn has been assigned by Captain Ozlo to study The Core. She can be found alongside her crew stationed at the clockworks terminal above the Core. Vaelyn is persistent and committed to her job, sacrificing her own well being through constant exposure to the core in order to complete the task at hand. When encountered at the terminal and in the 10-2
Mission: Dreams and Nightmares, her attack style is most similar to swords such as the Leviathan Blade, giving the appearance of dual wielding.
Vaelyn seems to have a particular interest in Rulen. This is indicated by her "almost drift[ing] off" when mentioning Rulen in 9-3
Mission: Heart of the Matter as well as the increased focus of Parma (via her scout) on Rulen when informing Vaelyn and the player about the current state of the Alpha Squad in the 10-2
Mission: Dreams and Nightmares.
Lieutenant Vaelyn via Comlink.
Shown with her flourishes.
Hail. I am Lieutenant Vaelyn, commanding officer of on-site Core research. You are clearly amongst the strongest of the Spiral Knights to reach these infernal depths, but strength alone will get you no further.
- What's the situation, Lieutenant?
We're attempting to find a means to activate the Core through the power of the minerals found within the Clockworks. Those minerals are capable of transforming the Clockworks-we have seen this in the Haven Arcade. It is our belief that we can use that power to activate the Core and... open it somehow.
Yes, Captain Ozlo himself has ordered that we hold out as long as possible and learn whatever we can. If we ever leave this planet, it will be because of this Core.
I am confident that aside from a potential energy source, the Core is a kind of nerve center for everything you see within the Clockworks. You can feel it in what little air is down here; a wild, ominous sense that this is no mere machine.
- You're saying it's what... alive?
I'm saying that we know this entire world isn't natural, and I for one don't believe that those hordes of miserable gremlins, no matter how industrious, could have built an entire wold. They had to have been aided by something far beyond their measure and perhaps whatever that is lies within the Core.
The same goes for the Alpha Squad. They wouldn't just disappear, even within the furthest depths of the Clockworks. They were our very best. It was this Core that swallowed them.
- But I thought there was no way inside it?
I don't know how, but they would have found a way. They must have... and now they're gone.
Hello PLAYERNAME, I've been meaning to talk to you for some time, but it seems Spiral HQ is keeping you very busy.
- Hello, Lieutenant. How can I help you?
As you know I am attempting to assemble a research team to work on-site in the Core terminal. In order to sucessfully utilize it to restore the Skylark, it is imperative that we reach it and set up this research station.
All evidence seems to point towards you having the potential to finally reach the Core. By breaking through the Firestorm Citadel and establishing a link to the Core, my team could set up the necessary supply lines and get to work immediately. But we can't do that while that infernal citadel and its horrible ruler stand in our way.
- I've prepared for facing the Firestorm Citadel, you can count on me.
Thank you, PLAYERNAME. I hope you succeed. As you know, we believe the Alpha Squad made it this far, but it is unclear what become of them... Euclid, Parma, Grantz.... Rulen.
(Lieutenant Vaelyn seems to almost drift off)
Sorry, yes of course. Good luck to you, PLAYERNAME. Assemble the best squad you can and lead them well. We're all counting on you.
PLAYERNAME, I cannot thank you enough. We've already established our research base and are collecting a tremendous amount of data that we would have never had without your efforts.
- Thank you, Lieutenant. Any more information with regard to the Alpha Squad?
The recon module you collected is very strange. I have no reason to believe what Parma was saying isn't true, but how it happened I just can't say. Everything about the Core suggests there are no 'doors' into it. It's not a structure built to enter from the outside. Rather, it seems just the opposite.
- A prison to keep something inside?
Perhaps. It certainly could be when you look at it. We'll need to study it further.
- And the 'living darkness' she described?
I don't know, but it is certainly a terrifying picture she has painted. Something stirs within the heart of this world, PLAYERNAME, something terrible. I've felt it since we first set foot on this world; invisible eyes watching our every move, shapes that form just out of view... something greater than gremlins calls this world home.
- What will you do now, Lieutenant?
I haven't given up the search for Euclid, Parma, Grantz and Rulen. They're out there somewhere and I will find them, even if it means entering the Core myself.
- I wish you luck, Lieutenant.
This is Vaelyn at the Core Terminal. Team wiped out. Darkness everywhere. Send help. It is opening.
The Path is Revealed:
Backup at last! PLAYERNAME, look! The Core is opening!
(After Herex speaks and disappears)
PLAYERNAME, this is almost certainly a trap and I can't ask you to come with me, but I'm going in there. If there's even a chance that Rulen and the other Alpha Squad members are alive I need to try and find them.
Well, I guess it's time to be a hero again. Shall we?
A Step Beyond:
Herex slipped away! I lost sight of him as things went black. It felt like a thousand hands were pulling us away. As if something didn't want us to follow.
Whatever that was, we're here now. Wherever here is. It looks like our only option is to see where this leads.
Amazing...I never thought I'd see another one of us ever again! I'm glad to see you made it here safely.
Parma! Your Scout! You're alive! Where are you!? We need to get you back to Haven.
Apologies for not appearing in person. I'm hidden away in a safe place. I knew I'd never make it here in time when I noticed your signal. Luckily I was able to pull some strings and find you an exit.
- Where's Rulen? Euclid? Grantz?
Grantz he...he fell while protecting us from The Swarm. He stood his ground even when the rest of us were forced to flee. I'll never forget how brave he was.
The rest of us thought we weren't going to make it. But then...then the light surrounded us and we were safe. We've taken to calling it The Sleeper. We aren't sure what it is exactly, but it needs our help. This world was created to protect it but somehow The Swarm breached the Core and has been feeding on the energy and growing like a leech ever since.
Euclid volunteered to help The Sleeper. I'm sure he's in here somewhere battling The Swarm even as we speak. As for Rulen...Vaelyn, I'm sorry, he disappeared shortly after Euclid made his decision. I haven't been able to find him ever since.
There isn't much time. I can't reach you from here and you need to make it out. Warn headquarters. Warn Haven! If the Core isn't kept sealed The Swarm will escape and it will continue to consume everything and everyone.
- But what about you and the others?
The Swarm keeps growing stronger while The Sleeper grows weaker. Without us, all of us, The Swarm will win. Once, the gremlins were in charge of maintaining Cradle's defenses. But they had their own plans. We need to be Cradle's champions now.
It's our sacrifice.
Continue to fight the good fight, PLAYERNAME. Remember what you've learned. Farewell!
See Also