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| officers =
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| pop = 95
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| website = http://cloud9sk.guildportal.com/
| website = http://cloud9sk.guildportal.com/

Revision as of 08:33, 25 January 2012

Cloud Nine
GuildLogo-Cloud Nine.png

"a caelo usque ad centrum"

("from heaven all the way to the center of the earth")

Guild Founder: Ashiram
Approx. Population: 95
Guild Master(s):
  • Ashiram
Guild Officer(s):
  • Lapper
  • Nalrayi
  • Nozip
Website: http://cloud9sk.guildportal.com/

Cloud Nine

About Us

<Cloud Nine> is a rising premier guild of Spiral Knights. Founded on November 14, 2011 - Our mission is to be at the forefront and leader of accomplishing Spiral Knight end-game content. We strive to master the Clockworks through improving ourselves continuously by learning and playing. We are open to casual and hardcore players alike. Rank advancement in the guild is based entirely on good character, teamworks in the Clockworks, and superior skill. Our members are self-sufficient and strong. We help each other out to reach goals and most importantly we have fun!

Cloud Nine means "bliss or a state of extreme happiness."


Though recent in formation and not as distinguished as other marque guilds of Spiral Knights, <Cloud Nine> retains a unique pedigree inherited through Ashiram, our Guild Master.

Act I: Inception Glory – Tales of Ashiram

In the beginning there was nothing but the endless void. On the fateful day of June 14, 2011, Ashiram was brought forth into the land of the Cradle. It was a time where wearing full Vog Cub Gear to be admired and price for 100 CE cost 3,000 crowns. Armed with his Proto gear, Ashiram struggled for several months scrapping just enough for his first 5-star weapon: Divine Avenger. Using Heavy Demo Gear as his default loadout, Ashiram toiled away painstakingly for weeks. A guild-less wanderer of humble origins, Ashiram happened upon a chance encounter that would forever alter his destiny...

Act II: Ascension Fire – Joining <Timeless>

On that fateful FSC run in September 2011, Ashiram met with the GMs of <Timeless>, Sg-Hotsauce and Electricmessiah. Out of all the players Ashiram had met up to that time, these players were on a class of their own in terms of skill and knowledge of the game. Ashiram's Shivermist Buster quickly won him the friendship of Sg-Hotsauce and Electricmessiah. While Ashiram did not immediately join <Timeless> (for he did not see the need for a guild), after a succession of FSC runs with the duo, Ashiram joined <Timeless>. And so began the humble rise of Ashiram...

Act III: Critical Mass – The Rise of <Timeless>

Ashiram upon joining <Timeless> improved his gear literally overnight through the countless FSC runs. Impressed by Ashiram's growth and potential, his rank fast-tracked its way to Officer. Upon becoming Officer, a new Triumvirate emerged – Ashiram, Sg-Hotsauce, and Electricmessiah as the true leaders of <Timeless>. With strong leaders at the helm, <Timeless> membership swells to maximum capacity. <Timeless> PvP players became feared in guild Lockdown. Our top PvE players regularly conquered Shadow Lair with no CE revives. This was truly a Golden Age for <Timeless>. For a time, it was good. But all good things in time...

Act IV: Genesis Light – The Exodus of <Timeless>

To onlookers, <Timeless> achieved greatness and prestige of a top Spiral Knight guild. Internally, the guild was failing apart. The magnificence that was gained on behalf of <Timeless> came from Ashiram and only a handful of the dedicated guild members. The problems that plagued the guild from beginning of Ashiram's arrival were never mended. While Sg-Hotsauce and Electricmessiah were GMs, there were several GMs that out ranked them in terms in seniority. Normally this would not be a problem... unless they were regularly absent from the game, promoting their friends to Guild Master for no reason and generally being irresponsible altogether. On top of that, there were no rules/guidelines for behavior (several instances where members of Ashiram's own guild disrespected him, even as an Officer), no process on promotion/rank system (people were promoted out the blue, favoritism, etc.), recruiting strategy (there was none), guild events (again nothing), overall vision (take a guess). Ashiram and Electricmessiah decided to take matters into their own hands. And thus came to the decision to form a new guild...

Act V: New Hope – The Founding of <Cloud Nine>

Like Aleksandr Kerensky who led the Exodus from the Inner Sphere, Ashiram led loyal followers to a new paradise christened <Cloud Nine>, founded on the hallowed date of November 14, 2011, exactly 5 months when Ashiram first entered the game. Seeking to purge the elements that corrupted <Timeless>, the new co-Guild Masters of <Cloud Nine> - Ashiram and Electricmessiah laid down the framework on which a new guild structure was formed. Over 50% of <Timeless> core members came with them, excited at the new possibilities and promise. It was a time of great celebration and the beginning of a new dawn of our guild... or was it?

Act VI: Forged Sky – The Early Days of <Cloud Nine>

It seems that peace and prosperity was finally secured for our guild members. And for a time, all was well. However, the fledgling guild was still fragile and several ex-Timeless members quickly grew disgruntled at the new guild system and began seeking opportunities elsewhere. The greatest loss was the Co-Guild Master, Electricmessish who declared that <Cloud Nine> to be unworthy of his attention and abandoned the guild. New recruits were few and far between. Overall morale was weak. <Cloud Nine> could have ended then and there...

Act VII: Triumphant Reign – <Cloud Nine> Today

Legends speak little of the Knight who rescued <Cloud Nine>. But this much is known: Out of the chaos and despair, Ashiram the sole remaining Guild Master of <Cloud Nine> came forth. A visionary and leader, Ashiram decreed that <Cloud Nine> is worthy of its true heritage upon which it was founded upon and he promised to continue to stay true to that overall vision. To that end, Ashiram ushered a new era for <Cloud Nine>, quickly consolidated the guild structure with sweeping reforms and aggressively recruiting new members into the fold. In one months time, <Cloud Nine> had risen to top-tier guild status.

News & Ongoing Events

Keep up to date with all the latest on what is happening with <Cloud Nine> !


Ongoing Events

Past Events


Spiral Knight players who wish to join our guild, please read the Recruitment section of our site.

Rank System

Spiral Knight players who would like to learn more about our guild structure, please read the Rank System section of our site.


Spiral Knight players who want to view our guild rules of honor, please read the Rules section of our site.

<Cloud Nine> Guild Roster

  • Only Member rank and above are honored by being named on our guild roster.
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