Dragon Army (Guild)

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Guild Summary

Dragon Army
GuildLogo-Dragon Army.png

The enemy's gate is down

Guild Founder: Natashavolkova
Approx. Population: 93

Dragon Army is named after Ender's jeesh at battle school. See Ender's Game on wikipedia for more info. Intention: have fun. If you use IRC chats, there is at least one user in irc.mibbit.net/#EndOfTheInternet pretty much 24/7, though not always active. Identify yourself as a SK user, and be patient.

Andrew-Wiggin is the official guild bank. This is a community bank, not a personal bank--you won't have your contributions listed. Mail or trade any extra ce, cr, or mats to Andrew-Wiggin. It will be used for newbie gifts, and (once the guild is full) for bettering the equipment of the entire guild.

Newbie Gifts

Newbie gifts are 2* or 1* equipment given to new members. In order to receive a newbie gift, the following requirements must be met:

  • There are newbie gifts available
    • Someone has donated them to the bank.
    • Natashavolkova has some in his inventory.
    • Natashavolkova has enough mist energy and credits and materials to craft some for you.
  • You must be eligible for a newbie gift.
    • You have only one profile in this guild.
    • You have not yet received a newbie gift.
    • You do not have any 2* equipment yet. This requirement. may be waived at the guildmaster's discretion.

If the conditions are met, ask either NatashaVolkova or Andrew-Wiggin for a newbie gift. You may send a mail to NatashaVolkova if neither is online.


Common Sense

  • Be polite
  • No begging in Haven. Begging in Haven is grounds for immediate dismissal.
  • Don't be a jerk.
  • Don't spam.
  • Don't flood.


  • Guild members are obligated to help each other.
    • If you're entire party is dead and you need help, contact someone in the guild as follows:
    • The Guild Master may be willing to help you.
    • Veterans are obligated to help Members.
    • Members are obligated to help each other and Recruits out.
    • Veterans and Members are only obligated to help out once a day. They may or may not choose to do so a second time.
  • Guild Discounts
    • All guild members should be willing to give better deals to other guild members when trading than they would offer to other users in general. You don't have to end up losing out, but try to sell for a price somewhere between market value and your cost.
    • Crafting is to be done AT COST for other guild members--don't charge them for the privilege of not having to learn a recipe, though its fine to mark up prices for nonguild members.


  • Be fair. If you do not follow these rules, you will be removed from the guild.
  • If you need to borrow crowns, energy, or materials, contact another guild member.
  • Every time you borrow from another user, both users shall send a mail to Natashavolkova stating what was loaned, how much, and what interest should be. Yes, this costs an extra 25cr. If no mail is received, then this was given, not borrowed. Mail should be sent BEFORE any transaction occurs. If both parties are unwilling to send a mail and a transaction accurs despite this, there will be no punishment if the loan is not returned. Both parties should also send a mail when the loan is returned.
  • Not returning borrowed materials, crowns, or energy within a reasonable amount of time (read: less than a week, preferrably same day) is grounds for immediate dismissal.
  • Anchoring: If you invite someone to anchor for you, you must pay them 10ce flat, plus 100cr for each time you go through the level. You may not offer them less.
  • No running ahead of other players. Don't kill everything by yourself, leave something for the other guys to do.
  • No cheating at the marketplace. Selling at a profit is OK, but keep your prices sane.

Bank Inventory

The official Dragon Army bank is Andrew-Wiggin. If you have contributed to the guild bank in the past, you are eligible to get items. You can send requests to NatashaVolkova by mail or by private message if you need something. Bank transactions by mail cost an extra 100cr if the bank does not have any credits. The bank is not a playing profile--it does not generate crowns or materials and relies on donations from guild members.

Members and Ranks

To advance in rank in the guild, you must advance in tiers and prove your worth in PVP.


Guild Masters: This ranking is reserved for founding members of Dragon Army.

Officers: There is currently no provision for officers in this guild.

Veterans: To become a Veteran, you must be in good standing and reach Tier 3.

Members: To become a Member, you must be in good standing and reach Tier 2 or have a name from the Ender universe.

Recruits: To become a Recruit, you must simply join the guild.


If you want to update your member description, you may do so yourself or ask NatashaVolkova to do it for you.


If you want to buy energy from someone, and you don't want to pay OOO for whatever reason, make a post on spiral knights/gameswap/gamesales on Reddit or on a gaming forum. Make sure that the person you are buying from or selling to has a heatware or ebay account, or some other form of feedback before you trust them. It might be a good idea to make one yourself, and you should certainly provide this information in an informal exchange where there is any chance of one person cheating another.

Untrustworthy players

This section here is for listing players who are untrustworthy and why. Let me (NatashaVolkova, the guildmaster) know if you have been cheated, and email me a description of what happened, and I will post it here. DO NOT TRADE OR OTHERWISE ASSOCIATE WITH THESE PEOPLE!

Players to avoid

Anyone offering to pay cash for energy or crowns. Anyone advertising a website that sells crystal energy for lower prices than the game does. If you want to buy or trade Spiral Knights content outside of the spiral knights and steam environment, or there is some other way for you to be cheated, read about Trading

Players who have repaid their debts

These players have repaid their debts. Trust them at your own risk, as you would any other player. If they cheat or scam you, tell me your story (send a message in-game to NatashaVolkova) and I will post your story here.


Cambro has since repaid his debt in full.

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