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Status: Freeze
Icon status freeze.png
All Status Effects
Icon status stun.png Stun

Icon status poison.png Poison

Icon status fire.png Fire

Icon status freeze.png Freeze

Icon status shock.png Shock

Icon status curse.png Curse

Icon status sleep.png Sleep

A player inflicted by freeze.

Freeze is a status condition that will cause the victim to become frozen in place. The victim will not be able to move or turn, but can still attack. Attacks that can freeze deal a portion of elemental damage; damage taken from freeze status can only be reduced by freeze-resistant armor.

Other players can attack the frozen player to break away the ice, nullifying the freeze condition and releasing the player. Likewise, attacking enemies will break them out of their ice as well. However, breaking the ice early will incur extra damage on the player if freed by an enemy. Enemies do not take extra damage for being freed from freeze, but will take damage for defrosting naturally. Players do not take damage when freeze wears off by itself.

Themed Enemies

Freeze-themed enemies are immune to and may inflict freeze status.

Inflicting Curse

Spiral Knights can inflict curse on monsters by using curse vials against them or using a weapon that has a chance of inflicting curse.

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