Crest of Love

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Crest of Love
Crest of Love-Equipped.png
The Crest of Love is an accessory.


A ticket for an accessory that can be attached to the front of select armors. Accessory tickets can be redeemed at the Accessorizor in the Haven Bazaar. — Tooltip


Icon-specials.png Supply Depot Sale around Valentine's Day.

2014 price: ??? energy
2015 price: 3,200 energy


This item was introduced in February 2014.Admin Post

Prismatic Aspect: None.

This accessory is a unique crest. It is an animated beating heart.


This gallery contains several different examples of the same type of item.

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Related news art. Another tooltip view.
(Animation - click to see)
An inspect window view. An overworld view.
(Animation - click to see)

See Also

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