Shocking Sentient Sentries

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Shocking Sentient Sentries
Mission-Shocking Sentient Sentries.png
Mission List: Rank (Soldier)
Preceded By:

4-3 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Rescues and Recycling

Followed By:

4-3 Interface-icon-Supply.png Mission: Monstrous Research

Important Stratum Themes:
  • Monsters: Gate Icon-Construct.png Gate Icon-Gremlin.png
  • Status: Icon status shock.png

Shocking Sentient Sentries is a 4-3 rank mission.



Recon Knights have uncovered a secret weapons facility that according to the intel we have available, could belong to a high ranking gremlin of The Crimson Order. It is heavily fortified by a small army of electrified constructs who have no doubt been programmed to defend the facility at all costs.

While it is unclear if this weapons stash actually belongs to a gremlin of The Crimson Order, it is no less worth infiltrating and neutralizing the weapons stash.

It is advised that you prepare yourself with elemental damage and shock resistant gear before deploying.


Battle your way to the secret weapons facility.


The Heavy Weapons Facility belongs to the Warmaster Seerus.

A new Gremlin contacting with Seerus called Sputterspark was added after the release 2014-05-21.

A single Battlepod was the final enemy in the last arena of the Heavy Weapons Facility level, this was changed after the release 2014-05-21.


First Floor

Second Floor

- just really want to avoid using the term "floor" due to March 2011 decisions

Third Floor

- just really want to avoid using the term "floor" due to March 2011 decisions

See also

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