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m (Usage: Added new gear)
(7 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 8: Line 8:
*From any {{Monster_Icons|Fiend}} [[Fiend]] in [[depth]] 1 and below.
*From any {{Monster_Icons|Undead}} [[Undead]] in [[depth]] 1 and below.
Line 15: Line 14:
|armor   =
|helmet   =
* {{Equip|Fractured Mask of Seerus}}
* {{Equip|Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Woven Falcon Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Plated Falcon Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Falcon Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Falcon Ghost Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Falcon Hex Helm}}
* {{Equip|Woven Firefly Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Plated Firefly Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Firefly Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Firefly Ghost Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Firefly Hex Helm}}
* {{Equip|Woven Grizzly Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Plated Grizzly Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Grizzly Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Grizzly Ghost Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Grizzly Hex Helm}}
* {{Equip|Woven Snakebite Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Plated Snakebite Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Snakebite Shade Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Snakebite Ghost Helm}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Snakebite Hex Helm}}
* {{Equip|Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Scary Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Sinister Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Dread Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Flawed Mask of Seerus}}
* {{Equip|Black Kat Mask}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Mask}}
* {{Equip|Kat Eye Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Kat Eye Mask}}
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Mask}}
* {{Equip|Chaos Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Crown of the Fallen}}
* {{Equip|Mad Bomber Mask}}
* {{Equip|Perfect Mask of Seerus}}
* {{Equip|Shadowsun Stetson}}
* {{Equip|Snarbolax Cap}}
|armor =
* {{Equip|Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Woven Falcon Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Plated Falcon Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Falcon Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Falcon Ghost Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Falcon Hex Armor}}
* {{Equip|Woven Firefly Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Plated Firefly Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Firefly Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Firefly Ghost Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Firefly Hex Armor}}
* {{Equip|Woven Grizzly Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Plated Grizzly Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Grizzly Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Grizzly Ghost Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Grizzly Hex Armor}}
* {{Equip|Woven Snakebite Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Plated Snakebite Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Snakebite Shade Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Snakebite Ghost Armor}}
* {{Equip|Sacred Snakebite Hex Armor}}
* {{Equip|Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Scary Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Sinister Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Dread Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Black Kat Cloak}}
* {{Equip|Black Kat Cloak}}
* {{Equip|Black Kat Mail}}
* {{Equip|Black Kat Mail}}
* {{Equip|Black Kat Raiment}}
* {{Equip|Black Kat Raiment}}
* {{Equip|Armor of the Fallen}}
* {{Equip|Chaos Cloak}}
* {{Equip|Dread Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Cloak}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Cloak}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Mail}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Mail}}
Line 32: Line 94:
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Mail}}
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Mail}}
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Raiment}}
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Raiment}}
* {{Equip|Armor of the Fallen}}
* {{Equip|Chaos Cloak}}
* {{Equip|Mad Bomber Suit}}
* {{Equip|Mad Bomber Suit}}
* {{Equip|Scary Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Shadowsun Slicker}}
* {{Equip|Shadowsun Slicker}}
* {{Equip|Sinister Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Skelly Suit}}
* {{Equip|Snarbolax Coat}}
* {{Equip|Snarbolax Coat}}
|helmet  =
* {{Equip|Black Kat Mask}}
* {{Equip|Chaos Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Crown of the Fallen}}
* {{Equip|Dread Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Flawed Mask of Seerus}}
* {{Equip|Fractured Mask of Seerus}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Kat Claw Mask}}
* {{Equip|Kat Eye Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Kat Eye Mask}}
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Cowl}}
* {{Equip|Kat Hiss Mask}}
* {{Equip|Mad Bomber Mask}}
* {{Equip|Perfect Mask of Seerus}}
* {{Equip|Scary Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Shadowsun Stetson}}
* {{Equip|Sinister Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Skelly Mask}}
* {{Equip|Snarbolax Cap}}
|shield  =
|shield  =
* {{Equip|Barbarous Thorn Shield}}
* {{Equip|Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Dark Thorn Shield}}
* {{Equip|Scary Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Sinister Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Dread Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Dread Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Gorgomega}}
* {{Equip|Grim Shell}}
* {{Equip|Grim Shell}}
* {{Equip|Nether Shell}}
* {{Equip|Nether Shell}}
* {{Equip|Scary Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Gorgomega}}
* {{Equip|Sinister Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Skelly Shield}}
* {{Equip|Twisted Targe}}
* {{Equip|Twisted Targe}}
* {{Equip|Dark Thorn Shield}}
* {{Equip|Barbarous Thorn Shield}}
|bomb    =
|bomb    =
* {{Equip|Dark Briar Barrage}}
* {{Equip|Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Super Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Heavy Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Deadly Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Deadly Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Graviton Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Rock Salt Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Ionized Salt Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Shocking Salt Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Graviton Charge}}
* {{Equip|Graviton Charge}}
* {{Equip|Graviton Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Graviton Vortex}}
* {{Equip|Graviton Vortex}}
* {{Equip|Heavy Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Humbug Hazer}}
* {{Equip|Ionized Salt Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Obsidian Crusher}}
* {{Equip|Obsidian Crusher}}
* {{Equip|Rock Salt Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Shocking Salt Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Spike Shower}}
* {{Equip|Super Dark Matter Bomb}}
* {{Equip|Twisted Spine Cone}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Atomizer}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Vaporizer}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Vaporizer}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Vaporizer Mk II}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Vaporizer Mk II}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Atomizer}}
* {{Equip|Venom Veiler}}
* {{Equip|Venom Veiler}}
* {{Equip|Humbug Hazer}}
* {{Equip|Twisted Spine Cone}}
* {{Equip|Spike Shower}}
* {{Equip|Dark Briar Barrage}}
|handgun =
|handgun =
* {{Equip|Biohazard}}
* {{Equip|Black Chaingun}}
* {{Equip|Blackhawk}}
* {{Equip|Blight Needle}}
* {{Equip|Dark Chaingun}}
* {{Equip|Gorgofist}}
* {{Equip|Grim Buster}}
* {{Equip|Grim Repeater}}
* {{Equip|Nether Cannon}}
* {{Equip|Obsidian Carbine}}
* {{Equip|Phantamos}}
* {{Equip|Plague Needle}}
* {{Equip|Pummel Gun}}
* {{Equip|Pummel Gun}}
* {{Equip|Sentenza}}
* {{Equip|Shadow Blaster}}
* {{Equip|Shadow Driver}}
* {{Equip|Shadowtech Alchemer}}
* {{Equip|Shadowtech Alchemer}}
* {{Equip|Shadowtech Alchemer Mk II}}
* {{Equip|Shadowtech Alchemer Mk II}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Catalyzer}}
* {{Equip|Shadow Driver}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Needle}}
* {{Equip|Umbra Driver}}
* {{Equip|Umbra Driver}}
* {{Equip|Grim Buster}}
* {{Equip|Nether Cannon}}
* {{Equip|Gorgofist}}
* {{Equip|Dark Chaingun}}
* {{Equip|Black Chaingun}}
* {{Equip|Grim Repeater}}
* {{Equip|Peppermint Repeater}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Needle}}
* {{Equip|Blight Needle}}
* {{Equip|Plague Needle}}
* {{Equip|Shadow Blaster}}
* {{Equip|Umbral Blaster}}
* {{Equip|Umbral Blaster}}
* {{Equip|Phantamos}}
* {{Equip|Toxic Catalyzer}}
* {{Equip|Virulent Catalyzer}}
* {{Equip|Virulent Catalyzer}}
* {{Equip|Biohazard}}
* {{Equip|Blackhawk}}
* {{Equip|Sentenza}}
* {{Equip|Obsidian Carbine}}
|sword  =
|sword  =
* {{Equip|Acheron}}
* {{Equip|Heavy Hatchet}}
* {{Equip|Barbarous Thorn Blade}}
* {{Equip|Brandish}}
* {{Equip|Brandish}}
* {{Equip|Cautery Sword}}
* {{Equip|Cautery Sword}}
* {{Equip|Dark Thorn Blade}}
* {{Equip|Advanced Cautery Sword}}
* {{Equip|Dread Venom Striker}}
* {{Equip|Amputator}}
* {{Equip|Faust}}
* {{Equip|Gran Faust}}
* {{Equip|Heavy Hatchet}}
* {{Equip|Nightblade}}
* {{Equip|Nightblade}}
* {{Equip|Obsidian Edge}}
* {{Equip|Silent Nightblade}}
* {{Equip|Silent Nightblade}}
* {{Equip|Acheron}}
* {{Equip|Obsidian Edge}}
* {{Equip|Twisted Snarble Barb}}
* {{Equip|Twisted Snarble Barb}}
* {{Equip|Dark Thorn Blade}}
* {{Equip|Barbarous Thorn Blade}}
* {{Equip|Faust}}
* {{Equip|Gran Faust}}
* {{Equip|Vile Striker}}
* {{Equip|Vile Striker}}
* {{Equip|Dread Venom Striker}}
|other =
|other =
* {{Furniture|Almirian Seal}}
* {{Furniture|Almirian Seal}}
* {{Furniture|Frumious Fang}}
* {{Furniture|Frumious Fang}}
* {{SpritePod|Maskeraith (Punkin)}}
* {{SpritePod|Seraphynx (Black Kat)}}
== See Also ==
== See Also ==
{{material see also}}
{{material see also}}

Latest revision as of 04:11, 23 July 2017

Dark Shard
Crafting-Dark Shard.png

The Dark Shard is a 0-star material.


A shard of Dark Matter that is too small to be used in powering gates but highly useful in alchemy.


  • Random drop from any defeated Gate Icon-Fiend.png Fiend or Gate Icon-Undead.png Undead in depth 1 and below.


This material has been available since release 2011-04-04 when the game officially launched.


Dark Shard is used to craft:

Icon-arsenal-small.png Other

See Also

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