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Revision as of 05:43, 30 January 2012 by Zenphyre (Talk | contribs)

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Zenphyre is an unknown player that mysteriously appeared during the beta of Spiral Knights and has come from the land where gamers prosper. He adventures daily and has a few lunch breaks in between Depth 23 and he battles enemies mercilessly with incredible killing intent. Without his cookies, Zenphyre destroys everything in his path and what makes him kind of unique to only himself: HE WORKS ALONE MWAHAHAHA Zenphyre is an unknown player that mysteriously appeared during the beta of Spiral Knights and has come from the land where gamers prosper. He adventures daily and has a few lunch breaks in between Depth 23 and he battles enemies mercilessly with incredible killing intent. Without his cookies, Zenphyre destroys everything in his path and what makes him kind of unique to only himself: HE WORKS ALONE MWAHAHAHA

Uhhhh Hi

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Lone Wolf
His Cookies

Zenphyre came into Spiral Knights one day on a Saturday in the second week of the month on the holiday before the other one that came after and became interested after seeing what he had to face off first...the dreaded JELLIES! The creator, or "God" of Zenphyre was bored and surfed the internet looking for any MMORPG or anything related after his retirement from playing WoW when Cata came out. In his journey on finding a replacement, the God gave up and decided to look at DeviantArt in the anime section of the website. Looking at a few awesome Bleach pictures, he stumbled upon an ad with an anime robot on it and a large planet behind it. The first thing he did was, you guessed it, went to take a bathroom break, ate waffles, then came back and clicked on it a second before it switched to a toilet paper ad. Seeing the Spiral Knights main page come up, he encountered a name creator and typed in Drario after the one he created in WoW being his lvl 80 protection/retribution paladin. However, he was stunned with extreme horror that the name was taken, but being calm, he went to the fridge and got orange juice and began thinking of a random name. After a few minutes of pacing back and forth, he said, "Eh what the heck, I'll go with something starting with a Z", and he randomly chose something that started with a Z and dun dun, Zenphyre came into the world.

The first week of playing was interesting for him, going through Tier 1 with ease and being able to solo on the 2nd day of his commence on the game. Zenphyre, after having his Protogear set all the way to lvl 10, used the many crowns he has and bought his very first sword, the Fireburst Brandish. The first day using this weapon amazed him on how much damage it was able to deal and immediately fell in love with the sword. After having it to lvl 10 he bought his first armor, being the Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat, which added extra damage to his sword. He then picked a Pepperbox for his first gun and was impressed by the rapid fire it gave and the damage it dealt. After upgrading his gear to 3* on the second week, he began Tier 2 with a few groups to settle in with what he will be dealing with in there, and faced off against the Jelly King, a menace that he found in his 2nd group run and managed to kill him on his first try. After a few successful runs in Tier 2 and the Royal Jelly Palace, he was able to solo Tier 2 with no problems at all. The third week he had his gear upgraded to 4* and believed that he was ready to take on Tier 3, and went on a random T3 group and was amazed on how challenging it was and began doing runs in there having the fun of slicing and dicing the hardest enemies all while watching anime and listening to rock music.

A month and a half passed, his gear at 5* by the first week of the second month, having a Vog Cub Cap and Vog Cub Coat, his very first sword all grown up Combuster, and his very first gun Volcanic Pepperbox. He was able to devastate anything in his path and has little to no difficulty encountering challenging enemies. However, his greatest challenge was still awaiting: facing Lord Vanaduke. Zenphyre started to know about Firestorm Citadel that was referred by some weird hobo that he talked to when he sat near the fountain and the hobo said, "Oh Zen, FSC is where the experienced and skilled always go and I don't know if your up to the task." But Zenphyre countered, "Eh whatever, I'll give it a try." and Zenphyre gave him a cookie and the hobo was happy.

Zenphyre then past the first 2 weeks before going into FSC in intense training and gaining new weapons that will help him in his journey, having a new favorite sword which almost replaced his Combuster but still did, the Leviathan Blade, then with many JK runs and gaining many Jelly Gem, he created his strongest offensive, the fearless Divine Avenger and his sidekick, the Argent Peacemaker. He then decided on a bomb and the hobo, being as wise as any hobo, told him of the Shivermist Buster and in time Zenphyre has acquired the bomb with ease. Doing intense training and running as many T3 runs as he can, he finally lvled all of his gear to 10 and prepared his first encounter with the Duke.

The journey through FSC his first try was challenging and scary but not knowing of the fallen kingdom yet, he went in with a group who knew of the place and were nice to tell him about it. Going through the devastating wheels that come at Zenphyre in Blackstone Bridge, then his brave rescue for the small creatures in Charred Court, going through the many Slag Walker that appeared in Ashen Armory (that became his favorite depth), and finally going up the Shadow Fire -infested stairs of Smoldering Steps, Zenphyre and his group arrived at the Throne Room. The battle commenced between Zenphyre and Lord Vanaduke, being a fierce one with debris falling from the ceiling and the Duke charging at Zenphyre with blinding speed, but Zenphyre, being quick and agile as he was, dodge the devastating attacks the Duke threw at him. The group supported him all the way, using their Blitz Needle at the Duke while Zenphyre tanked the Duke and one of the other teammates of his group used his own Shivermist Buster. Ten minutes into the battle, the Duke has reached Phase 5 and has become more destructive than ever, Shadow Fire covering the floors and now being able to throw fire across the room, but Zenphyre and the group didn't gave up and after five to seven minutes in Phase 5 being a gun battle, they took down the Duke and Zenphyre was amazed on how he took him down on his first try. He had fun and was happy that he conquered the Firestorm Citadel and made his yet another trip down The Core where more challenges might await...

As of today, Zenphyre ventures down the Clockworks now doing pure solo runs since his first adventure in Firestorm Citadel and has been doing solo runs ever since. He mostly does Vanaduke solo runs and has a lot of fun facing the Duke and would laugh if he dies once from debris or shadow fire being misplaced but he loves challenges. Up to today, Zenphyre can't wait for what the Core might have in store for him and if the mysterious King Tinkinzar, the king of the gremlins might appear in the Core and that Zenphyre is pumped up to face him and his dreaded Crimson Order.

What does he mean there's more?!

Zenphyre hanging out with Stranger
Relaxing time

As what was said, yes there's more. Zenphyre is much of a loner and tends to hang out either near one of the Strangers, sit in front of the fountain, or be in the Snipe Garden sitting near the Gun Puppy Statue that wants to eat him. Zenphyre is also pretty quiet, never talking much around people and they also do the same to just leave him there. His main priority to sitting by the fountains is to listen to any arguments that might erupt from anyone or hear interesting conversations about how someone passed the potato instead of the ketchup. His signature seat is by the left side of the fountain at the corner but sometimes a person might sit there so he goes to his second signature seat which is the right side of the fountain at the corner. Whenever he's bored, he hangs out where he usually sits and he mostly sits by the fountain, and when he really doesn't want to be noticed, he goes to the Snipe Garden, or if he's crazy and wants someone to talk to, he hangs out with the Strangers. Zenphyre is sometimes approached by a few people who are amazed by his 5* gear and would often say, "Hello" or "What's up Zen" or "Want fries with that shake?" and such, but being the quiet loner he is, he would either ignore them or just move the opposite of them. It's not because they might get annoying to him but because they will be annoying to him. When approached with a random trade window from a person he doesn't know, he will immediately close it, offer a Gel Drop, or hide it so the person won't have to insta-trade with him. Zenphyre at times if he is that bored and no conversation happens and a person walks up to him, he would begin a small conversation with the person and would make him/her laugh while still avoiding attention that others around him might notice. Zenphyre is a nice person but is mostly alone so if you see Zenphyre sitting near the fountain or stalk him inside the Snipe Garden or interrupt his conversations with the Strangers, feel free to attempt to talk to Zenphyre and if he's pretty bored and has nothing to entertain himself, he might start a talk with you, but make sure you bring a cookie just in case.

-Le Gasp- No Guild?

I will destroy you...

As the title mentions, yes Zenphyre has no guild. If someone invites him to a guild or refers to join a guild, he will say in the sweetest and most honest voice that God has ever gave him that inspires all to follow in his footsteps to become a world-class singer teacher mechanic: No. That's right, you heard it, Zenphyre does not join any guilds, no matter how much people might beg or try to attempt to get him to join, he is NOT joining any guilds. His creator, known as God, when he played WoW back then, did have a guild called the Knights of Cydonia, but the only reason he joined a guild there and won't join a guild in Spiral Knights is because raid runs require not only himself but other people and having a guild makes time less stressful to find any people, and because raid runs cannot be done solo, even if the creator is a tank but it's impossible. In Spiral Knights, his reason is that the Clockworks offer solo runs and because of that, he solos all of the time and doesn't need a guild. Also because some guilds will ask him questions like "How often are you on on Spiral Knights" and "What time of day do you long on and how long do you stay on?". I won't argue but questions like that is like for me signing myself away for something, but I won't argue against it since some guilds do require recruitment like that. Also, Zenphyre doesn't join a guild because eventually the guild might break down one day and become another guild or such. There are more reasons why Zenphyre doesn't join a guild but as his creator, I won't list them. Want a donut now since you read this far :).

Holy Crap Not So Lonely :D

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Stairs Club
Zenphyre's SK Wife
Her Cookies

While Zenphyre was busy destroying everything in his path while having a few breakfast breaths in depth 23 with a side of toast, he couldn't help but get the feeling that he felt a bit lonely whenever he did his solo runs. Back then he had two pasttime friends, Bon and Tetra (don't remember their full names but will be honored) who helped him solo the Clockworks along with Vanaduke and were his mentors when it came to doing runs and acquiring gear. They were his first friends since he joined Spiral Knights, and eventually five months later they retired but gave Zenphyre helpful tips on doing runs. Now that since that is from the past (yes history is boring) let's get on to going through more history, this time more interesting and brighter.

It was a sunny day in June on the first Saturday before the next Tuesday on the day where a guy farted in the afternoon on the time of free donuts near a local cafe, Zenphyre has finished another Vana solo run and took down the king as always. He sat down on his usual seat near the corner and watched two people argue about the meaning of life--> TOAST :D. While he watched, he couldn't help but notice a person next to him, across on the other corner, and what made this person stand out from him is that her name was japanese for "crazy catgirl" and was the same color as Zenphyre in knight form. This person was doing the same thing as Zenphyre did, which was look on at people attempting to buy 5* things in the Auction House with no success at all (crafting is cheaper :P). After a few minutes, Zenphyre got bored and did another T3 run but this time not Vana since he only defeats him once a day, just to keep the fun of killing him still fun.

The next day after a rooster cock-a-doodle-dood outside his window and he threw an alarm clock at it (R.I.P Bob), the horrible yet bright rays of the sun awoke Zenphyre. Logging back on as usual, he did another Vana run and then came back onto his usual seat at the corner of the fountain. While being at the corner, he noticed the same person again on the other side of the fountain, but this time the person was with some guildmates from a guild I have never heard of before (and I know almost all the guilds but still don't join them). They were busy talking and having a good laugh while Zenphyre watched another argument whether a Levi is better than a CIV (its true but I has both so don't care). Eventually, the person left again for a run since the person disappeared like potatoes going in underground to grow fresh potato trees, and Zenphyre went to look into whatever the Auction House had and was interested when he saw an ASI high nightblade (didn't buy it though).

The following day, Zenphyre took down the Duke yet again and went to his usual seat as always. This time, a used-to-be-friend named Elle (won't say her entire name for identity protection), popped in and attempted to hug her inu (me in japanese which means "doggie") and Zenphyre started running around Haven trying to avoid her hugs of death. After ten minutes in which she left to do a run, and usually she never gives up, last one going up to an hour of running away, he sat in the corner of the fountain yet again and looked at a group of wolvers arguing about fish. He didn't took notice of the same person across from him, and while the argument went on, finally noticed when the person presented itself in front of him. Zenphyre was confused and told the person on what it wanted, but it didn't answer so he moved to the other corner of the fountain, where the person usually sits. However, the person went to the other side as well but instead of being in front of him on his lap, the person sat next to him rather really close. The person said "hai" and due to how the person said it, is a girl player. Zenphyre greeted the person as well, and soon a conversation started between them about unimportant things such as if a person can fart and sneeze at the same time with his eyes open during the sneeze. After proving that it's impossible to sneeze with your eyes kept open, Zenphyre found it late and decided to log off for the day (MW2 time and summer vacation still) but before he received a friend request from the person. Zenphyre logged off after waving goodbye, and started to suit up.

Next day with a new rooster outside and yet another alarm clock thrown with which a funeral was held, Zenphyre logged on and was greeted by the whisper of the person saying hai again. This time, the person wanted to invite Zenphyre for a T2 run and even though he hasn't done one in a while, being the last time he ran T2 was three months ago, he accepted and joined her. She was pretty skillful in destroying mobs but would sometimes die due to lag or didn't see an enemy behind her, but Zenphyre due to having experience, revived her with no problems at all. When it came to arenas, Zenphyre loved them like hell and would ALWAYS finish them to the end, in which she also had a love for arenas but couldn't do them alone, but he found it normal for her. Battling through waves and waves of enemies with her dying a few times in the last part of the arenas, being wise and humble helped her get back on her feet. Eventually their bond grew and grew until they ended up doing many runs together and she became more familiar with the enemies in which she dies less and less, in which Zenphyre is proud to see her improve. He also felt a new connection in which he still retains his lonewolf/guildless reputation, but has become not so lonely anymore in which a new beginning arose that reminded him of his two past time friends and having a new companion by his side, Nekoloko. Both Zenphyre and Nekoloko have a big bond between each other and would do runs together almost all the time. Eventually Zenphyre has taught Nekoloko how to do better in T3 runs and since now she can do T3 runs with few to no problems. She likes defeating Jelly King most of the time but would put in a Roarmulus Twins run in their as well, due to it being the first boss she encountered, and with Zenphyre by her side, they took him down with no deaths on her. Nekoloko does have a little fear of Lord Vanaduke since he's one of the hardest bosses (not too much though), with the help of Zenphyre and her guildmates, she was able to take him down with some deaths, but she still maintains a small fear of him, but Zenphyre sees it as okay and would allow no running FSC if she doesn't want to. Nekoloko is also very fond of using the symbol ":o" and Zenphyre would usually tell her that flies might nest in there if she keeps doing that, but she still does it and he doesn't mind anymore. She would sometimes say "MEEEP" in one of the runs and to Zenphyre means a distress for help and being the protector, comes to her rescue and fends off the enemies with ease. They have a strong bond with one another and would sometimes have their ups and downs (sometimes Zenphyre would avoid her but that's when he's on his bad days), they still have a strong bond between each other. Their bond grew and grew until some people recognized them as some sort of couple. Now there are some couples out there and Zenphyre and Nekoloko is seen as one of them, where people pass by and would say "Aww the lovebirds :D" or "you guys making out?" and some sort and both of them find them crazy. However, Nekoloko accepts an SK couple so basically both Zenphyre and her have the benefits of one, but still limited. It means that they can be really close to each other, do some things, and snuggle. They don't mind the people around them anymore but things can get out of hand when it comes to that, but they don't mind so they just ignore those people. Zenphyre being a doggie, and Nekoloko being a cat, looks a little weird but to some people they find it cute to them. Zenphyre would usually refer to her as "wifey" and Nekoloko as "doggie", but she'll come to the point where she'll get into him. And as pronounced a couple by one of the people, they can be seen as one so Zenphyre + Nekoloko = ??? (<3 xD). (Side Note: SK Couple - two people that do not know each other in real life and aren't dating in real life but are mates and snuggle in Spiral Knights.) Ok you can have a cookie now :P.

Needed to remove white space, so yeah (AWW almost had it D:)

Como se mira

Zenphyre in the first two months of playing Spiral Knights, his attire consisted of his Vog Set, Combuster, Heater Shield (forgot to mention my first shield), and Volcanic Pepperbox. He went on using these when he was informed about Firestorm Citadel from the cookie-loving hobo and soon his added attire was his DA, AP which replaced his Volcanic Pepperbox (it will be missed), and Shivermist Buster. He went with this attire for about a month with the added gear but then when the update came to making the enemies more dangerous, he noticed that the Jellies and Wolvers will now deal piercing damage, which terrified Zenphyre (not really). He then went to work on another armor set in which he bought another Wolver set only when upgrading it did it become Vog Cub's nicer and shinier brother, Skolver which includes his Skolver Cap and Skolver Coat and not only did he need piercing defense for just his armor, he began lvling another shield which eventually became Aegis. Oh, forgot to mention, Zenphyre when he did a few runs in Tier 3, decided to make another shield which is stronger than his Heater Shield and before was god tier, and upgrading it, it became his signature shield: Grey Owlite Shield. Skolver eventually became his costume with Vog underneath and his Grey Owlite on his back which showed his shininess to the world and attracted those who were hypnotized by the light.

When the summer came and the fireworks have come and past two days later, Zenphyre noticed that there were too many Vog Cubs around and noticed an increase in the Skolver migration. He felt that he would also be common and to prevent that, he got to work on another armor set, but it took him a while and two cookie breaks to decide on another set and eventually, an angel with a halo and wings came down from heaven and immediately did he get the idea on making the set. He got to work and in two weeks of FSC runs and much heat acquired, his set was complete, being Divine Veil and Divine Mantle. When the Roarmulus Twins were released to the public, he noticed the two new guns and went along with getting the Pulsar. Leveling his gun up, it became his new favorite gun that replaced his AP but not entirely, Polaris.

As the Shadow Lair update came along, he was upset of how much the Shadow Key was and boycotted against the new depths for most of his time but giving into the challenge that awaited him, Zenphyre took the chance and gave it a try. He took down the Rabid Snarbolax with random party members with one of them having a key and in a few short runs with other people he obtained Snarbolax Cap and Snarbolax Coat. A few days after that he also defeated the Ice Queen, Red Roarmulus Twins and eventually it took him many tries to defeat Darkfire Vanaduke until he was defeated. His attire is so far random with new gear acquired and strives to see what new gear awaits him.

The End?

My Stuff

Known Achievements

Icon Name Description Type
Achievement-First Steps.png First Steps Successfully reach the Rescue Camp. Exploration
Achievement-Welcome, Stranger.png Welcome, Stranger Cross the chasm into Haven. Exploration
Achievement-Mission Accomplished.png Mission Accomplished Reach the first Clockworks Terminal. Exploration
Achievement-World of Moorcraft.png World of Moorcraft Pay a visit to Moorcraft Manor. Exploration
Achievement-Spiral Spelunker.png Spiral Spelunker Earn clearance to explore Tier 2 of the Clockworks. Exploration
Achievement-An Emberlight in the Dark.png An Emberlight in the Dark Pay a visit to Emberlight, the town of gremlin outcasts. Exploration
Achievement-Go Deep.png Go Deep Earn clearance to explore Tier 3 of the Clockworks. Exploration
Achievement-Hardcore.png Hardcore Descend to the Core Terminal. Exploration
Achievement-Royal Pain.png Royal Pain Defeat the Royal Jelly squatting in the Royal Jelly Palace. Boss
Achievement-Free Spirit.png Free Spirit Defeat Lord Vanaduke in the heart of the Firestorm Citadel. Boss
Achievement-O Frabjous Day!.png O Frabjous Day! Defeat the fabled Snarbolax that lives deep within the Gloaming Wildwoods. Boss
Achievement-Terrible Twin Turrets.png Terrible Twin Turrets Defeat the Roarmulus Twins in the dangerous depths of the Ironclaw Munitions Factory. Boss
Achievement-One-Star Smith.png One-Star Smith Alchemize a 1 star item. Alchemy
Achievement-Two-Star Smith.png Two-Star Smith Alchemize a 2 star item. Alchemy
Achievement-Three-Star Smith.png Three-Star Smith Alchemize a 3 star item. Alchemy
Achievement-Four-Star Smith.png Four-Star Smith Alchemize a 4 star item. Alchemy
Achievement-Five-Star Smith.png Five-Star Smith Alchemize a 5 star item. Alchemy
Achievement-Apprentice Alchemist.png Apprentice Alchemist Alchemize 5 Items. Alchemy
Achievement-Adept Alchemist.png Adept Alchemist Alchemize 10 Items. Alchemy
Achievement-Accomplished Alchemist.png Accomplished Alchemist Alchemize 25 items. Alchemy
Achievement-Ascendant Alchemist.png Ascendant Alchemist Alchemize 50 items. Alchemy
Achievement-Swordsman.png Swordsman Amass 3 swords in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Expert Swordsman.png Expert Swordsman Amass 5 swords in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Master Swordsman.png Master Swordsman Amass 10 swords in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Gunslinger.png Gunslinger Amass 3 guns in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Expert Gunslinger.png Expert Gunslinger Amass 5 guns in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Master Gunslinger.png Master Gunslinger Amass 10 guns in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Bombardier.png Bombardier Amass 3 bombs in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Expert Bombardier.png Expert Bombardier Amass 5 bombs in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Master Bombardier.png Master Bombardier Amass 10 bombs in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Hatter.png Hatter Amass 3 helmets in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Expert Hatter.png Expert Hatter Amass 5 helmets in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Mad Hatter.png Mad Hatter Amass 10 helmets in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Armorer.png Armorer Amass 3 armors in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Expert Armorer.png Expert Armorer Amass 5 armors in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Master Armorer.png Master Armorer Amass 10 armors in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Shieldbearer.png Shieldbearer Amass 3 shields in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Expert Shieldbearer.png Expert Shieldbearer Amass 5 shields in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Master Shieldbearer.png Master Shieldbearer Amass 10 shields in your Arsenal. Collection
Achievement-Stellar Set.png Stellar Set Amass an Arsenal that includes a 5 star helmet, armor, shield, gun and bomb. Collection
Achievement-Applied Entropy.png Applied Entropy Build an item to heat level 10. Collection
Achievement-Minor Miner.png Minor Miner Deposit a single mineral into a gate. Minerals
Achievement-Moderate Miner.png Moderate Miner Deposit 100 minerals into a gate. Minerals
Achievement-Major Miner.png Major Miner Deposit 500 minerals into a gate. Minerals
Achievement-Marvelous Miner.png Marvelous Miner Deposit 2,500 minerals into a gate. Minerals
Achievement-Master Miner.png Master Miner Deposit 10,000 minerals into a gate. Minerals
Achievement-Fully Loaded.png Fully Loaded Unlock and fill every equipment slot. Collection
Achievement-Jump Start.png Jump Start Revive yourself. Aid
Achievement-Helping Hand.png Helping Hand Revive a downed party member. Aid
Achievement-Walk It Off.png Walk It Off Revive a downed party member, giving them only half a pip of health. Aid
Achievement-Pharma Suitable.png Pharma Suitable Use 10 Health Capsules. Aid
Achievement-Conditioned Response.png Conditioned Response Use 10 Remedy Capsules. Aid
Achievement-Energize!.png Energize! Power up a derelict Mecha Knight. Aid
Achievement-Bronze Survivor.png Bronze Survivor Complete a Tier 1 expedition without having to revive. Survival
Achievement-Silver Survivor.png Silver Survivor Complete a Tier 2 expedition without having to revive. Survival
Achievement-Gold Survivor.png Gold Survivor Complete a Tier 3 expedition without having to revive. Survival
Achievement-Cradle and All.png Cradle and All Travel the entire Clockworks from depth 0 to depth 29 in a single expedition. Survival
Achievement-Dauntless Delver.png Dauntless Delver Travel the entire Clockworks from depth 0 to depth 29 in a single expedition without having to revive. Survival
Achievement-Star Spangled Bomber.png Star Spangled Bomber Obtain a Firecracker Bomb. Collection
Achievement-Son of a Nutcracker!.png Son of a Nutcracker! Hit an opponent with a snowball in Lockdown. PvP
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