Time Enough at Last

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Time Enough at Last is a Rank Mission to be completed as a Knight (Rank 5). It consists of three levels that features Kats and somes Slimes.


Time Enough at Last on the Mission Interface.

Mission Rank: 5-2

Description: A knight named Edger has gone missing while exploring the Scarlet Fortress. Given that this crumbling castle is swarming with spookats and jelly cubes, his squadmates fear for his safety and have asked a more experienced knight like yourself to investigate.
Locate Edger within the fortress and bring him back to Haven!

Objective: Discover the fate of the lost knight within the Scarlet Fortress



Mission Lobby (Depth 0)


Basil has the following recipes for sale:

Inner Court (Depth 11)

Gate-Scarlet Fortress.png

The first level is a showcase of the Scarlet Fortress: Spiral Court 2 Clockworks level.


The Rambling Arcade (Depth 12)

Gate-Scarlet Fortress.png

The second level showcases the Scarlet Fortress: Cravat Hall 2 Clockworks level.


Eternal Study (Depth 13)

Gate-Scarlet Fortress.png

Finally, the third level represents the Scarlet Fortress: Grim Gallery Clockworks level.


See also

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