Candlestick Keep

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Candlestick Keep
Gate-Candlestick Keep.png
Important stratum themes:
  • Monsters: Gate Icon-Undead.png
  • Status: Icon status fire.png Icon status freeze.png Icon status poison.png Icon status shock.png
  • ??? (Candlestick Keep)

The Candlestick Keep is a region. Regions categorize levels with similar characteristics that have been incorporated into the Clockworks.


These haunted grounds are all that remains of the once prosperous Owlite Academy. Though now overtaken by Spookats and other undead horrors, Knights will find Owlite ward candles scattered about the Keep that will save them from what lurks in the dark. - release 2011-09-06


The Candlestick Keep differs significantly from other areas regarding exploration entities and hazards. Its levels are very dark, but Embers can be picked up and thrown to light candles. Blue candles will stay lit forever, and are frequently encountered already lit. Yellow candles will stay lit for about 30 seconds and tend to have a larger pool of light. The large and very dangerous Grimalkin that lurk in the dark of Candlestick Keeps will not venture too close to a lit candle, chomping down just outside of the light.

Keep levels are composed of castle-like structures somewhat similar to the Firestorm Citadel, Royal Jelly Palace, and Scarlet Fortress. Many of its decorations are very similar to those found in Moorcroft Manor and the Usable-Moorcroft Prize Box icon.png Moorcroft Prize Box.

Each level map is composed of randomly generated segments.

Levels are populated by multitudes of Kats. Zombies and Howlitzers are common encounters. Trojans can appear in certain rooms. A Carnavon will spawn in this rare scenario room.

During the Kataclysmic Confrontation event players will actively seek deep Candlestick Keep levels because they have a very high population of Kats, and therefore better chances to encounter Black Kats.


  • release 2011-09-06: Area introduced, but its levels could not be explored until the next day because the gates had not yet cycled.
  • release 2013-10-23: Soundtrack changed from "Phantom Dirge" to ??? (Candlestick Keep)


An elemental sword will take care of the undead. An elemental handgun would be prudent because ranged attacks are very handy for solving certain puzzles here. Defend yourself with shadow resistance. Adjust perk for movement speed to quickly pass through dark areas. Pay attention to the status stratum of the level and adjust equipment accordingly.


See Also

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