The Compound is an area consisting of levels which share similar characteristics.
The Compounds feature the remains of some sort of unknown facility, where more intelligent monsters await, harvesting resources or perhaps attempting to power up the derelict machinery. However, just outside the confines of the facilities, hordes of mini monsters await in the brush, waiting to strike.
The Compound has been available for exploration since release 2013-04-10.
Its floors are composed of random map segments. Compounds are floating islands, similar to other areas such as the Wolver Den. They only appear in Tier 2 and 3 of the Clockworks. Curse (and Sleep) are the only status themes not encountered in these levels.
Monster population consists of many monster families. The more organic "brush" areas are always populated by Slimes, Wolvers, and a large number of minis. The type of monsters populating the "facilities" is indicated by the color of the gate's monster icon. Infinite numbers of minis will spawn in the facility areas, despite the area's description. Shankles, Wisps, and minis populate both facility and brush. Every monster family can spawn in a single Compound if it is a Ravenous Warrens or Creeping Colony with a Fiend theme. The beast/slime minis will spawn, as well as their accompanying pierce-damaging family. Gremlins and Constructs almost always spawn in Compounds by default. On top of this, fiends will spawn, and in some places where a turret is designated to spawn, a Howlitzer will appear, since the Fiend family has no turrets. A rare Scenario Room will even spawn a Ghostmane Stalker.
Below is a list to help keep track of the diversity the player will encounter in a compound:
- "Chittering Burrows" = Scarabs
- "Creeping Colony" = Drops
- "Ravenous Warrens" = Bunnies
As with most gate icons:
- Blue monster icon = fiends in the facility segments
- Grey monster icon = constructs in the facility segments
- Orange monster icon = gremlins in the facility segments
- The background colors of the icon indicate status.
Bunnies, Drops, and Scarabs are members of the Beast, Slime, and Undead family, respectively. The only monster icons used in compound gate maps are for families that do not have a compound-associated mini class: Construct, Fiend, and Gremlin. For example, there are no compound icons that use a pink monster symbol for slimes. This pattern includes all monster families in relation to compounds.
Normal weapons and/or crowd control weapons such as bombs are recommended.
The following are not influenced by any status themes:
Ruined Compound: Chittering Burrows
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Ruined Compound: Chittering Burrows
Grave Scarab
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Ruined Compound: Creeping Colony
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Ruined Compound: Creeping Colony
Glop Drop
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Ruined Compound: Ravenous Warrens
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Ruined Compound: Ravenous Warrens
Dust Bunny
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
The following are influenced by the
Fire status theme:
Charred Compound: Chittering Burrows
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Charred Compound: Chittering Burrows
Sun Scarab
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Charred Compound: Creeping Colony
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Charred Compound: Creeping Colony
Spice Drop
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Charred Compound: Ravenous Warrens
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Charred Compound: Ravenous Warrens
Toast Bunny
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
The following are influenced by the
Freeze status theme:
Frozen Compound: Chittering Burrows
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Frozen Compound: Chittering Burrows
Pale Scarab
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Frozen Compound: Creeping Colony
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Frozen Compound: Creeping Colony
Snow Drop
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
FrozenCompound: Ravenous Warrens
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Frozen Compound: Ravenous Warrens
Snow Bunny
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
The following are influenced by the
Poison status theme:
Blighted Compound: Chittering Burrows
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Blighted Compound: Chittering Burrows
Plague Scarab
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Blighted Compound: Creeping Colony
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Blighted Compound: Creeping Colony
Germ Drop
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Blighted Compound: Ravenous Warrens
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Blighted Compound: Ravenous Warrens
Blech Bunny
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
The following are influenced by the
Shock status theme:
Shocked Compound: Chittering Burrows
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Shocked Compound: Chittering Burrows
Silver Scarab
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Shocked Compound: Creeping Colony
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Shocked Compound: Creeping Colony
Power Drop
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
Shocked Compound: Ravenous Warrens
, ,  Region: Compound Level: Shocked Compound: Ravenous Warrens
Jolt Bunny
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
 Facility Segments
- Brambles (brush segments only)
No missions use these levels.
- Sortable list of map segments, including phenomenon such as scenario rooms
See Also
Older Discussion
This may need some reworking. A glance at the gate maps shows that the compounds content is not defined by the name: e.g. at the moment of writing tier 3 of the Coral Knight gate has two Frozen Compound: Creeping Colony's. One with an orange icon (gremlin theme), the other with a blue icon (fiend theme). It seems the name of the level (Chittering/Creeping/Ravenous) determines the primary family of monsters, while the icon on the gate determines the secondary family (and, like with clockwork tunnels, there usually is a tertiary family: fiend clockworks often have undead, slime clockworks often have beasts, etc.) SanSerif 18:41, 23 April 2013 (UTC)
I have been worked in Compounds hardly using the Wolver Den as concept (that is why it has wrong ALL icons).
And yes, seems that all Compounds level use a third family monster, sometimes you don't know what weapons or armor to use, it is a bit confused, i know...
- Ravenous Warrens contain Dust Bunnies, Chittering Burrows contain Scarabs, and Creeping Colony includes Glop Drops. All compounds contain a multitude of constructs, and contain monsters from the same family as the minis (Ravenous Warrens will include Beasts, Creeping Colony has Slimes, and Chittering Burrows has Undead). In addition to these, a few monsters from the level icon colour will be scattered around. Due to this fact, piercing weapons are not recommended, unless you have 3 or 4 weapon slots. --HexZyle 16:43, 1 May 2013 (UTC)
Hey HexZyle, many thanks for ordering the Compounds page! It looks so much better now ;)--