Alchemy Machine
From SpiralKnights
- Alchemy Machine (regular)
There are several special alchemy machines that function differently. These alchemy machines cannot be used to craft any item; rather, each one has a predetermined library of items that it can craft. The recipes for these items are not purchased and learned by the player. Instead, the recipes are "inside" the machine.
The Krogmo Alchemy Machine is near the western end of the Arcade in Haven.
The Sanctuary Alchemy Machine can be found in the Sanctuary at the end of every Shadow Lair expedition.
The Vise Alchemy Machine stands in the Operation Crimson Hammer mission lobby.
The Armero Alchemy Machine stands in the Hunter's Lodge, which is a room that can be installed in a Guild Hall.
The Mysterious Alchemy Machine can be found in the east side of the Arcade and in Moorcroft Manor near the Moorcroft Archives. It may also appear in other locations during events.
- The Obelisk of Creation can be found in the Shroud of the Apocrea mission, in both the Obsidian Nexus and the final floor. It's very similar to the Mysterious Alchemy Machine, but only contains recipes related to Apocrea.
The Sprite Food Alchemy Machine can be found in the Lab in the Garrison, in the Town Square near the Auction House, in Moorcroft Manor, and in Emberlight.