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The Aura is an accessory.


A ticket for an accessory that can be attached to select armors. Accessory tickets can be redeemed at the Accessorizor in the Haven Bazaar. — Tooltip


Prismatic Aspect(s): Depends on aura. Use the Control+F keyboard function and search for "prismatic" to find prismatic auras.


This gallery contains several different examples of the same type of item.

More than one version of this item has been released. Many have their own related news art. Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image
Another tooltip view.
(Animation - click to see)
An inspect window view. An overworld view.
(Animation - click to see)


The images in the Overworld column are animations. Click to navigate to a page that will play an animation.

Abbr. Name Visual Overworld Acquisition Notes
Flame Aura
Equipment-Flame Aura icon.png
Flame Aura
Flame Aura
Usable-Nemesis Prize Box icon.png Nemesis Prize Box Constantly sheds fiery particles. An orange glow pulses outward from the chest area.

Initial release: ???
Ghostly Aura
Equipment-Ghostly Aura icon.png
Ghostly Aura
Ghostly Aura
Usable-Iron Lockbox icon.png Iron Lockbox

Rare drop from Gate Icon-Undead.png Mewkat
Constantly sheds subtle wisps of grey smoke-like effects upwards from the body. Has a bit of a puffy grey glow.

Initial release: ???
Twilight Aura
Equipment-Twilight Aura icon.png
Twilight Aura
Twilight Aura
Usable-Iron Lockbox icon.png Iron Lockbox
Usable-Copper Lockbox icon.png Copper Lockbox
Prismatic fireflies fly around the player.
Overworld: only one firefly gets left behind if the player moves - this is a bug. Twilight is designed to be trailing, but currently only one firefly is not locked to the player's movement.

Initial release: ???
Twinkle Aura
Equipment-Twinkle Aura icon.png
Twinkle Aura
Twinkle Aura
Usable-Iron Lockbox icon.png Iron Lockbox
Usable-Nemesis Prize Box icon.png Nemesis Prize Box
Silvery-white, star-like shapes flash softly around the player on occasion.

Initial release: ???
Unclean Aura
Equipment-Unclean Aura icon.png
Unclean Aura
Unclean Aura
Usable-Iron Lockbox icon.png Iron Lockbox Black, gnat-like insects fly around the player.
Overworld: only one bug gets left behind if the player moves.
According to Nick,[1] this aura is a reference to the game "Deadly Premonition."

Initial release: ???
Love Aura
Equipment-Love Aura icon.png
Love Aura
Love Aura
Icon-specials.png Supply Depot Sale around Valentine's Day
Pinkish-red hearts and particles shower the player. The chest area glows a soft pink.
Overworld: leaves hearts in the air for a while.

Initial release:
14 February 2012
Sprinkle Aura
Equipment-Sprinkle Aura icon.png
Sprinkle Aura
Sprinkle Aura
Usable-Anniversary Prize Box icon.png Anniversary Prize Box
Usable-Gourmet Prize Box icon.png Gourmet Prize Box
Usable-Confection Prize Box icon.png Confection Prize Box
Candy-like particles (random in color) stick to the chest and shoulders of the player.
Overworld: clusters of sprinkles get left behind for a short while.
The NPC Biscotti wears a sprinkle aura.

Initial release:
4 April 2012
Snowfall Aura
Equipment-Snowfall Aura icon.png
Snowfall Aura
Snowfall Aura
Usable-Solstice Prize Box icon.png Solstice Prize Box
Usable-Winterfest Prize Box icon.png Winterfest Prize Box
Large, thick snowflakes constantly generate and fade away around the chest area.
Overworld: puts a faint white ring of light under the feet.

Initial release:
20 June 2012
Sunshine Aura
Equipment-Sunshine Aura icon.png
Sunshine Aura
Sunshine Aura
Usable-Solstice Prize Box icon.png Solstice Prize Box Yellowish rays of light radiate outwards from the player's chest area.
Overworld: puts a golden ring of light under the player's feet.

Initial release:
20 June 2012
Green Leafy Aura
Equipment-Green Leafy Aura icon.png
Green Leafy
Green Leafy Aura
Green Leafy Aura
Usable-Hunter Prize Box icon.png Hunter Prize Box Leaves cover parts of the body and head, attached via a net.
Overworld: sheds individual leaves behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
9 August 2012
Hacked Aura
Equipment-Hacked Aura icon.png
Hacked Aura
Hacked Aura
Usable-Surge Prize Box icon.png Surge Prize Box Constantly animates Prismatic glitchy effects around the user.
Overworld: occasionally some of the "glitches" will remain for a short while (rarely).

The Hacked Aura is similar to the effects seen right before the final fight in the Ghosts in the Machine prestige mission.

Initial release:
12 September 2012
Haunted Aura
Equipment-Haunted Aura icon.png
Haunted Aura
Haunted Aura
Usable-Dark Harvest Prize Box icon.png Dark Harvest Prize Box

Rare drop from Gate Icon-Undead.png Mewkat
Small wisps with unhappy faces (ghosts, souls, or spirits etc.) fly around the knight.

Initial release:
17 October 2012
Fall Leafy Aura
Equipment-Fall Leafy Aura icon.png
Fall Leafy
Fall Leafy Aura
Fall Leafy Aura
Icon-specials.png Supply Depot Sale
(During the Fall season)
Leaves cover parts of the body and head, attached via a net. Overworld: sheds individual leaves behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release: 27 November 2013
Polar Leafy Aura
Equipment-Polar Leafy Aura icon.png
Polar Leafy
Polar Leafy Aura
Polar Leafy Aura
Usable-Polar Prize Box icon.png Polar Prize Box Leaves cover parts of the body and head, attached via a net.
Overworld: sheds individual leaves behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
11 December 2013
Gold Leafy Aura
Equipment-Gold Leafy Aura icon.png
Gold Leafy
Gold Leafy Aura
Gold Leafy Aura
Icon-specials.png Supply Depot Sale Leaves cover parts of the body and head, attached via a net.
Overworld: sheds individual leaves behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release: ???
Baleful Aura
Equipment-Baleful Aura icon.png
Baleful Aura
Baleful Aura
Usable-Colossal Prize Box icon.png Colossal Prize Box Constantly sheds a purple hazy mist around the user's chest area.
Overworld: puts a purple circle under the player's feet.

Initial release:
24 January 2014
Aggro Aura
Equipment-Aggro Aura icon.png
Aggro Aura
Aggro Aura
Usable-Ancient Prize Box icon.png Ancient Prize Box Constantly animates pinkish electric-like effects around the chest.
Overworld: occasionally leaves pink sparks behind.

Initial release:
26 February 2014
Orbit Aura
Equipment-Orbit Aura icon.png
Orbit Aura
Orbit Aura
Usable-Equinox Prize Box icon.png Equinox Prize Box A greenish-yellow, round, compass-like effect composed of faded rings slowly rotates in a plane around the body. A sun and moon orbit the body.

Initial release:
14 March 2014
Blossom Aura
Equipment-Blossom Aura icon.png
Blossom Aura
Blossom Aura
Usable-Blooming Prize Box icon.png Blooming Prize Box A green light orbits the player's chest in a slow, sinusoidal manner.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of miscellaneous nature behind for a while. It is similar to the visual effects seen around several entities in the Firestorm Citadel.

Initial release:
16 April 2014
Dreadful Aura
Equipment-Dreadful Aura icon.png
Dreadful Aura
Dreadful Aura
Usable-Katastrophe Prize Box icon.png Katastrophe Prize Box
Usable-Katastrophe Returns Prize Box icon.png Katastrophe Returns Prize Box
Blackish-purple, electric-like effects constantly animate around the chest area.
Overworld: This aura leaves blackish-pink crack-like effects behind for a while.
The Battle Sprite Seraphynx (Black Kat) obtains a Dreadful Aura if the Disintegration Ray ultimate is chosen (on the Sprite, the aura has no trailing effects).

Initial release:
30 April 2014
Soaked Aura
Equipment-Soaked Aura icon.png
Soaked Aura
Soaked Aura
Usable-Splash Prize Box icon.png Splash Prize Box
Usable-Plunge Prize Box icon.png Plunge Prize Box
Drips generate around the player's head and legs.

Overworld: Leaves a trail of puddles behind for a while.

Audio: "Splish" sounds can be heard if the player moves. The Soaked Aura is the first aura to have its own audio noises.

Initial release:
21 May 2014
Grasping Aura
Equipment-Grasping Aura icon.png
Grasping Aura
Grasping Aura
Lost Soul (Apocrean Item Trader):
10,000 Apocrean Sigils
Appendages constantly wiggle around on the knight's chest. Puts a dark haze around the entire body.
Overworld: leaves behind dark pools of unknown substances.

The Grasping Aura was the first aura to be "earned" via gameplay.

Initial release:
18 June 2014
Node Field Aura
Equipment-Node Field Aura icon.png
Node Field
Node Field Aura
Node Field Aura
Usable-Slime Prize Box icon.png Slime Prize Box Prismatic electric-like symbols cascade down the body at regular intervals. A prismatic ripple-like pattern occasionally emanates from the chest.

Initial release:
2 July 2014
Venomous Aura
Equipment-Venomous Aura icon.png
Venomous Aura
Venomous Aura
Usable-Vile Prize Box icon.png Vile Prize Box Green mist sheds around the player, sometimes very thickly. Doesn't leave a trail.

Initial release:
12 November 2014
Rose Aura
Equipment-Rose Aura icon.png
Rose Aura
Rose Aura
Usable-Rose Regalia Returns Again Prize Box icon.png Rose Regalia Returns Again Prize Box
Usable-Rose Regalia Reunion Prize Box icon.png Rose Regalia Reunion Prize Box
Usable-Rose Regalia Prize Box icon.png Rose Regalia Regeneration Prize Box
Prismatic roses grow and fade as a glowing green light circles the body.
Overworld: Thorny rose bushes grow and fade out of puddles of light if the player moves.

Picture from Steam Newsfeed showing red roses.

Initial release:
21 January 2015
Dazed Aura
Equipment-Dazed Aura icon.png
Dazed Aura
Dazed Aura
Usable-Dazed Prize Box icon.png Dazed Prize Box Stun-like stars shoot around the head.

Initial release:
22 April 2015
Ruby Aura
Equipment-Ruby Aura icon.png
Ruby Aura
Ruby Aura
Usable-Ruby Prize Box icon.png Ruby Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with pinkish mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large faceted ruby shaped with a hexagon cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering gems behind for a few moments if the player moves. Audio: Shattering sounds can be heard from the shards as they disappear.

Initial release:
8 July 2015
Peridot Aura
Equipment-Peridot Aura icon.png
Peridot Aura
Peridot Aura
Usable-Peridot Prize Box icon.png Peridot Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with green mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large faceted peridot shaped with a trilliant cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering gems behind for a few moments if the player moves. Audio: Shattering sounds can be heard from the shards as they disappear.

Initial release:
5 August 2015
Sapphire Aura
Equipment-Sapphire Aura icon.png
Sapphire Aura
Sapphire Aura
Usable-Sapphire Prize Box icon.png Sapphire Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with blue mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large faceted sapphire shaped with a pear cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering gems behind for a few moments if the player moves. Audio: Shattering sounds can be heard from the shards as they disappear.

Initial release:
2 September 2015
Autumn Aura
Equipment-Autumn Aura icon.png
Autumn Aura
Autumn Aura
Usable-Autumn Prize Box icon.png Autumn Prize Box An orange light orbits the player's chest in a slow, sinusoidal manner.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of miscellaneous autumn-themed nature behind for a while. It is a Fall Season version of the Blossom Aura.

Initial release:
23 September 2015
Opal Aura
Equipment-Opal Aura icon.png
Opal Aura
Opal Aura
Usable-Opal Prize Box icon.png Opal Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with pale yellow mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large faceted opal shaped with an oval cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering gems behind for a few moments if the player moves.

Initial release:
7 October 2015
Citrine Aura
Equipment-Citrine Aura icon.png
Citrine Aura
Citrine Aura
Usable-Citrine Prize Box icon.png Citrine Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with orange mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large faceted citrine shaped with a radiant cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering gems behind for a few moments if the player moves.

Initial release:
4 November 2015
Snipe Aura
Equipment-Snipe Aura icon.png
Snipe Aura
Snipe Aura
Usable-Stranger Prize Box icon.png Stranger Prize Box A prismatic flying snipe whirls around the player. White feather-like light clusters around the chest area.

Initial release:
18 November 2015
Turquoise Aura
Equipment-Turquoise Aura icon.png
Turquoise Aura
Turquoise Aura
Usable-Turquoise Prize Box icon.png Turquoise Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with green mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large turquoise shaped with a trilliant cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering stones behind for a few moments if the player moves.

Initial release:
2 December 2015
Garnet Aura
Equipment-Garnet Aura icon.png
Garnet Aura
Garnet Aura
Usable-Garnet Prize Box icon.png Garnet Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with pink mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large garnet shaped with a cushion cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering stones behind for a few moments if the player moves.

Initial release:
6 January 2016
Amethyst Aura
Equipment-Amethyst Aura icon.png
Amethyst Aura
Usable-Amethyst Prize Box icon.png Amethyst Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with purple mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large amethyst shaped with a round cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering stones behind for a few moments if the player moves.

Initial release:
17 February 2016
Aquamarine Aura
Equipment-Aquamarine Aura icon.png
Aquamarine Aura
Aquamarine Aura
Usable-Aquamarine Prize Box icon.png Aquamarine Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with teal mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large aquamarine shaped with a marquis cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering stones behind for a few moments if the player moves.

Initial release:
3 March 2016
Wicked Leafy Aura
Equipment-Wicked Leafy Aura icon.png
Wicked Leafy
Wicked Leafy Aura
Usable-Wicked Prize Box icon.png Wicked Prize Box Leaves cover parts of the body and head, attached via a net.
Overworld: sheds individual leaves behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
8 July 2016
Marsh Leafy Aura
Equipment-Marsh Leafy Aura icon.png
Marsh Leafy
Marsh Leafy Aura
Usable-Hunter Prize Box 2016 icon.png Hunter Prize Box 2016 Leaves cover parts of the body and head, attached via a net.
Overworld: sheds individual leaves behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
11 August 2016
Fiery Aura
Equipment-Fiery Aura icon.png
Fiery Aura
Usable-Volcanic Prize Box icon.png Volcanic Prize Box Torso and arms appear to be constantly on fire.
Overworld: Leaves fiery footsteps if the player moves.

Initial release:
2 November 2016
Permafrost Aura
Equipment-Permafrost Aura icon.png
Permafrost Aura
Permafrost Aura
Usable-Glacial Prize Box icon.png Glacial Prize Box 2020
Usable-Glacial Prize Box 2016 icon.png Glacial Prize Box 2016
Snow is slowly falling around the player.
Overworld: Leaves clumps of snow on the ground.

Initial release:
22 November 2016
Black Feathered Aura
Equipment-Black Feathered Aura icon.png
Black Feathered
Black Feathered Aura
Usable-Rooster Prize Box icon.png Rooster Prize Box Black feathers cover parts of the body and head.
Overworld: Sheds individual feathers behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
9 February 2017
Brown Feathered Aura
Equipment-Brown Feathered Aura icon.png
Brown Feathered
Brown Feathered Aura
Brown Feathered Aura
Usable-Rooster Prize Box icon.png Rooster Prize Box Brown feathers cover parts of the body and head.
Overworld: Sheds individual feathers behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
9 February 2017
Gold Feathered Aura
Equipment-Gold Feathered Aura icon.png
Gold Feathered
Gold Feathered Aura
Usable-Rooster Prize Box icon.png Rooster Prize Box Gold feathers cover parts of the body and head.
Overworld: Sheds individual feathers behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
9 February 2017
Fiery Feathered Aura
Equipment-Fiery Feathered Aura icon.png
Fiery Feathered
Fiery Feathered Aura
Usable-Rooster Prize Box icon.png Rooster Prize Box Burning feathers cover parts of the body and head. Body glows with orange light and fiery particles are constantly shed around it.
Overworld: Sheds individual feathers behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
9 February 2017
Prismatic Feathered Aura
Equipment-Prismatic Feathered Aura icon.png
Prismatic Feathered
Prismatic Feathered Aura
Usable-Rooster Prize Box icon.png Rooster Prize Box Prismatic feathers cover parts of the body and head.
Overworld: Sheds individual feathers behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
9 February 2017
Clover Aura
Equipment-Clover Aura icon.png
Clover Aura
Clover Aura
Usable-Lucky Prize Box icon.png Lucky Prize Box Clovers and blades of grass cover parts of the body and head.
Overworld: Sheds individual clovers behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
10 March 2017
Rainbow Aura
Equipment-Rainbow Aura icon.png
Rainbow Aura
Rainbow Aura
Usable-Lucky Prize Box icon.png Lucky Prize Box A rainbow shines above the player. Player's body glows with bright rainbow light.

Initial release:
10 March 2017
Lucky Aura
Equipment-Lucky Aura icon.png
Lucky Aura
Usable-Lucky Prize Box icon.png Lucky Prize Box Clovers and blades of grass cover parts of the body and head. Player's body glows with soft rainbow light.
Overworld: Sheds individual clovers behind the player if the player moves.

Initial release:
10 March 2017
Cool Slimed Aura
Equipment-Cool Slimed Aura icon.png
Cool Slimed
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A ??? ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: ???
Dusky Slimed Aura
Equipment-Dusky Slimed Aura icon.png
Dusky Slimed
Dusky Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A light grey ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: ???
Fancy Slimed Aura
Equipment-Fancy Slimed Aura icon.png
Fancy Slimed
Fancy Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A violet ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: 5 April 2017
Heavy Slimed Aura
Equipment-Heavy Slimed Aura icon.png
Heavy Slimed
Heavy Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A grey ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: 5 April 2017
Military Slimed Aura
Equipment-Military Slimed Aura icon.png
Military Slimed
Military Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A beige ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: ???
Regal Slimed Aura
Equipment-Regal Slimed Aura icon.png
Regal Slimed
Regal Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox An orange ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: 5 April 2017
Toasty Slimed Aura
Equipment-Toasty Slimed Aura icon.png
Toasty Slimed
Toasty Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A pink ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: ???
Volcanic Slimed Aura
Equipment-Volcanic Slimed Aura icon.png
Volcanic Slimed
Volcanic Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A dark red ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: 5 April 2017

Diamond Aura
Equipment-Diamond Aura icon.png
Diamond Aura
Diamond Aura
Usable-Diamond Prize Box icon.png Diamond Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with white mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large faceted diamond shaped with a round brilliant cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering gems behind for a few moments if the player moves. Audio: Shattering sounds can be heard from the shards as they disappear.

Initial release:
14 April 2017
Emerald Aura
Equipment-Emerald Aura icon.png
Emerald Aura
Usable-Emerald Prize Box icon.png Emerald Prize Box An intensely twinkly aura with green mist that churns and rises up around the torso and arms. A large faceted emerald shaped with a princess cut is centered over the chest area.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of shattering gems behind for a few moments if the player moves. Audio: Shattering sounds can be heard from the shards as they disappear.

Initial release:
12 May 2017
Pearl Aura
Equipment-Pearl Aura icon.png
Pearl Aura
Usable-Emerald Prize Box icon.png Emerald Prize Box

Initial release:
9 June 2017
Keelhauled Aura
Equipment-Keelhauled Aura icon.png
Keelhauled Aura
Usable-Buccaneer Booty Box icon.png Buccaneer Booty Box

Initial release:
27 September 2017
Grey Aura
Equipment-Grey Aura icon.png
Grey Aura
Usable-Grey Prize Box icon.png Grey Prize Box

Initial release:
6 November 2017
Chilled Aura
Equipment-Chilled Aura icon.png
Chilled Aura
Usable-WinterTech Prize Box icon.png WinterTech Prize Box

Initial release:
13 December 2017
CozZzy Aura
Equipment-CozZzy Aura icon.png
CozZzy Aura
CozZzy Aura
Usable-CozyTech Prize Box icon.png CozyTech Prize Box

Initial release:
16 January 2018
Wild Aura
Equipment-Wild Aura icon.png
Wild Aura
Wild Aura
Usable-Running Wild Box icon.png Running Wild Box Constantly sheds clumps of fur.
Overworld: Leaves imprints of animal paws in the ground.

Initial release:
16 February 2018
Contrails Aura
Equipment-Contrails Aura icon.png
Contrails Aura
Usable-Aerodynamic Box icon.png Aerodynamic Box Rays of light shine from wrists. This is not visible in the tooltip.

Initial release:
12 May 2018
FlowerTech Aura
Equipment-FlowerTech Aura icon.png
FlowerTech Aura
Usable-FlowerTech Prize Box icon.png FlowerTech Prize Box A pink light orbits the player's chest in a slow, sinusoidal manner.
Overworld: Leaves a trail of miscellaneous nature behind for a while.
It is a pink version of the Blossom Aura.

Initial release:
14 August 2018
Cocoa Snipe Aura
Equipment-Cocoa Snipe Aura icon.png
Cocoa Snipe
Cocoa Snipe Aura
Usable-Bejeweled Stranger Prize Box icon.png Bejeweled Stranger Prize Box A black flying snipe whirls around the player. White feather-like light clusters around the chest area.
It is a black version of the Snipe aura.

Initial release:
16 October 2018
Vanilla Snipe Aura
Equipment-Vanilla Snipe Aura icon.png
Vanilla Snipe
Vanilla Snipe Aura
Usable-Bejeweled Stranger Prize Box icon.png Bejeweled Stranger Prize Box A white flying snipe whirls around the player. White feather-like light clusters around the chest area.
It is a white version of the Snipe aura.

Initial release:
16 October 2018
Last Straw Aura
Equipment-Last Straw Aura icon.png
Last Straw
Last Straw Aura
Usable-Late Harvest Prize Box icon.png Late Harvest Prize Box Neck and wrists are covered with faded yellow straw, head is slightly covered too. Individual straws float around the player.

Initial release:
16 November 2018
Enchanter Aura
Equipment-Enchanter Aura icon.png
Enchanter Aura
Enchanter Aura
Usable-Owlite Archaeology Box icon.png Owlite Archaeology Box ???
Reacts to knight's actions. Additional rings with runes appear and whirl around arms when defending.

Initial release:
25 January 2019
Shadow Slimed Aura
Shadow Slimed
Shadow Slimed Aura
Usable-Slime Lockbox icon.png Slime Lockbox A black ooze covers parts of the body and head. A gelatinous cube is formed around the player's chest.

Initial release: 12 June 2019
Tech Blue Chemtrails Aura
Equipment-Tech Blue Chemtrails Aura icon.png
Tech Blue
Tech Blue Chemtrails Aura
Tech Blue Chemtrails Aura
Usable-ShadowTech Prize Box icon.png ShadowTech Prize Box Rays of light shine from wrists. This is not visible in the tooltip.

Initial release:
11 December 2019
Tech Green Chemtrails Aura
Equipment-Tech Green Chemtrails Aura icon.png
Tech Green
Tech Green Chemtrails Aura
Usable-ShadowTech Prize Box icon.png ShadowTech Prize Box Rays of light shine from wrists. This is not visible in the tooltip.

Initial release:
11 December 2019
Tech Orange Chemtrails Aura
Equipment-Tech Orange Chemtrails Aura icon.png
Tech Orange
Tech Orange Chemtrails Aura
Tech Orange Chemtrails Aura
Usable-ShadowTech Prize Box icon.png ShadowTech Prize Box Rays of light shine from wrists. This is not visible in the tooltip.

Initial release:
11 December 2019
Tech Pink Chemtrails Aura
Equipment-Tech Pink Chemtrails Aura icon.png
Tech Pink
Tech Pink Chemtrails Aura
Usable-ShadowTech Prize Box icon.png ShadowTech Prize Box Rays of light shine from wrists. This is not visible in the tooltip.

Initial release:
11 December 2019
Moonlight Leafy Aura
Equipment-Moonlight Leafy Aura icon.png
Moonlight Leafy Aura
Featured Auction House
(During Cyber Monday)
Like the other leafy auras, except blue in coloration. Blue leaves will fall off of the player's body. Currently, only 1 copy of this item exists since it was released on the Auction House.

Initial release: 2 December 2019
Dead Leafy Aura
Equipment-Dead Leafy Aura icon.png
Dead Leafy Aura
Featured Auction House Like the other leafy auras, except dark brown in coloration, it's like Wicked Leafy, but a bit brighter. Brown leaves will fall off of the player's body. Currently, only 1 copy of this item exists since it was released on the Auction House.

Initial release: 9 October 2020

See Also

Personal tools