The Gauntlet

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The Gauntlet is a Rank Mission to be completed as a Champion (Rank 9). It consists of three levels within Stratum 6. Its last level is a unique Battle Arena level that features various monsters from every family. It is one of the final missions to complete before venturing the final rank Clockworks mission: King of Ashes.


The Gauntlet in the Mission Interface, completed.

Mission Rank: 9-2

Description: One final battle stands in your way before reaching the Firestorm Citadel. Thought to be devised by Lord Vanaduke himself, this unrelenting gauntlet is teeming with all manners of dark creatures and culminates in a nightmarish battle arena that must be conquered in order to gain access to the gates of the Firestorm Citadel.
This mission will take everything you've got and requires a full arsenal of powerful weapons and gear. If Lord Vanaduke is testing you, give him the fight that he's asking for and show him what a true Champion can do!

Objective: Battle your way to the Firestorm Citadel through a bulwark of monstrous might



Mission Lobby (Depth 0)


Basil has the following recipes for sale:

Shock and Awe (Depth 24)

Gate-Devilish Drudgery-Shock.png

The first level is a typical Devilish Drudgery Clockworks level with a "Wired for Synergy" theme. The level primarily features Devilites, many that may inflict and are immune to Shock.


Reign of Fire (Depth 25)

Icon Map Clockwork.png
Gate-Blast Furnace.png
Gate-Deconstruction Zone.png

The second level is a typical Deconstruction Zone Clockworks level with a "Molten Mayhem" theme. The level features many Gremlins and a few Constructs; many of these monsters may inflict and are immune to Fire, while some may inflict Stun. A majority of these monsters are Darkfang Scorchers, which may attack in large groups and arrive just beyond the level entrance.


Last Stand (Depth 26)

Gate-Last Stand.png

The final level is a unique arena level similar to Battle Arenas found in Clockworks runs via the Arcade. Note the following similarities and changes:

  • Each of the three arenas features two distinct monster families and one distinct status effect; therefore, all six monster families and three status effects are represented in the entire level.
  • The fighting area is different in each arena, both in shape and arrangement of Elemental grates.
  • Monster spawns for each arena are divided into two branches each with three waves, plus a final wave.
  • Arsenal Stations are available before each arena to equip different gear as necessary. Behind these arsenal stations are three screens denoting the two monster families and status effect in the upcoming arena.
  • Healing plates are available after each arena.
  • An elevator lift, to complete the level and the whole mission, is found only after the third arena.
  • Eighteen treasure boxes are found only after the third arena.
  • No mineral deposits are found on this level.

First Bout

Gate Icon-Beast.png
Gate Icon-Shock.png
Gate Icon-Slime.png

The first arena features the Beast and Slime families, a majority which are immune to and may inflict Shock status. The arena is square-shaped with large, squared shock-elemental grates on its west and east side.

First Bout: Monster Waves
Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Final Wave
Branch 1
  • 2 Voltails (W,E)
  • 2 Quicksilvers (W,E)
  • 4 Electrolisks (N,S)
  • 4 Quicksilvers (NE)
  • 1 Silkwing (NE)
  • 4 Voltails (N)
  • 2 Alpha Voltails (N)
  • 1 Electrolisk (N)
  • 1 Silkwing (N)
  • Branch 2
  • 2 Silver Polyps (center)
  • 4 Voltails (W,SE)
  • 1 Alpha Voltail (SE)
  • 2 Quicksilvers (E)
  • 1 Silkwing (SW)
  • 4 Silver Polyps
    (\_/ shape towards N)

  • Second Bout

    Gate Icon-Undead.png
    Gate Icon-Freeze.png
    Gate Icon-Fiend.png

    The second arena features the Undead and Fiend families, a majority which are immune to and may inflict Freeze status. The arena is octogon-shaped (i.e. a square with the corners cut off) with one small rectangular freeze-elemental grate at each cardinal direction. Known to many as the hardest of the three arenas.

    Second Bout: Monster Waves
    Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Final Wave
    Branch 1
  • 2 Bloogatos (NW)
  • 2 Frozen Shamblers (NW)
  • 3 Layoafers (SW)
  • 2 Pearl Greavers (NE)
  • 4 Frozen Shamblers (N)
  • 1 Silkwing (N)
  • 2 Pearl Greavers (N)
  • 2 Layoafers (N)
  • 1 Trojan (N)
  • Branch 2
  • 2 Chilling Howlitzer (SW,SE)
  • 4 Frozen Shamblers (SW)
  • 2 Gusters (SE)
  • 2 Silkwings (NW,NE)
  • 1 Trojan (S)
  • 4 Chilling Howlitzers (Corners)

  • Third Bout

    Gate Icon-Gremlin.png
    Gate Icon-Fire.png
    Gate Icon-Construct.png

    The third arena features the Construct and Gremlin families, a majority which are immune to and may inflict Fire status. The arena is square-shaped, with small, squared fire-elemental grates near each corner. (Similar arrangement to the floor spikes of the third arena in a Battle Arena.)

    Third Bout: Monster Waves
    Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Final Wave
    Branch 1
  • 3 Firo Knights (NE,W)
  • 3 Gremlin Lighters (NE)
  • 2 Hotrodes (SW)
  • 2 Cinderbots (NW)
  • 2 Gremlin Lighters (NW)
  • 1 Darkfang Scorcher (E)
  • 1 Darkfang Thwacker (E)
  • 4 Gremlin Lighters (E)
  • 1 Darkfang Mender (E)
  • 4 Firo Knights (N)
  • 2 Darkfang Thwackers (N)
  • 1 Flamethrower (N)
  • 2 Darkfang Menders (N)
  • Branch 2
  • 2 Red Rover (N,S)
  • 2 Darkfang Scorchers (SW,SE)
  • 4 Darkfang Thwackers (S)
  • 1 Darkfang Scorcher (S)
  • 1 Rocket Puppy (S)
  • 1 Firo Knight (S)
  • 1 Gremlin Lighter (S)
  • 2 Redwards (SW, SE)
  • 4 Hotrodes (SW,SE)
  • 1 Cinderbot (NE)
  • 1 Gremlin Lighter (NE)

  • Strategies

    Here are some strategies and tips to navigate through and complete The Gauntlet.

    • Make sure to be well-equipped with weapons, armor, etc. to combat every monster family and each of their three status effects. For example, with the second arena of Last Stand having monsters that inflict shadow damage with possible Freeze status, equipping gear from the Dread Skelly and Snarbolax Sets is highly advised.
    • The Gauntlet is best done in parties rather than solo runs.
    • In Last Stand, like with Battle Arenas, note how a new wave of monsters is spawned once the monsters of the previous wave of that branch are defeated. Keeping the last monster alive of a wave of one branch can help you focus on completing the waves of the other branch.
    • The Last Stand's second arena's ice-elemental grates can be instant death traps, especially where they are placed in the arena. Be careful not to be pushed onto a grate by a Trojan's attacks or a Howlitzer's skull missile attack. In case you get frozen on a grate, immediately use a Remedy Capsule or hope your shield lasts to break out of being frozen by a grate or a monster. (The dash technique may help.) Otherwise, hope you can escape from a slow, painful death. Getting frozen is almost inevitable, but better not to be over a grate if so.
    • Don't forget to pick up the Recon Module near the elevator lift at the end of Last Stand!
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