Player Name:
Aba, Guy
Knight Rank:
Vanguard (10-1)
Guild & Rank:
Exalt, Officer
Player Since:
January 2012
Defensive Weaponizer
Weapons of Choice:
Brandishes, Antiguas, Vaporizer Bombs
Battle Sprite of Choice:
Mew-Dabadee (Seraphynx)
Yearn to Learn
I was introduced to Spiral Knights by a long-time friend in my spades league. It remains the only MMORPG I play. Every day, I seem to learn something new about the game. Trying to acquire the best equipment suited for me to defeat every type of monster and avoid heavy damage and status ailments. Finding out what each SK-specific acronym I don't know stands for. Identifying the best prices to sell materials and equipment at the auction house. Yielding the best attacking strategy in limited spaces. But most of all, it's all about learning to become a team player in any situation. Though I still do noobish things in my execution, indeed "knowing is half the battle." (G.I. Joe)
Thus, the purpose of my SK User Wiki page is to be a learning experience for you and me. Me: learning how to create my own Wiki page using the templates and tutorials available. You: learning some key tips that I have learned so far while playing Spiral Knights, while having the incentive to create your own Wiki page. Enjoy what knowledge I have to offer in the coming days.
If you see an error in my Wiki, you can discuss it via the discussion tab rather than directly edit my page (as any Wiki page can be edited). Some of the info I yield are confirmed via personal experiences playing Sprial Knights (e.g. I actually won a Mod Calibrator in the Prize Wheel one instance) while some are "scientific guesses" based on trends and what I overheard in those experiences. As this is the Internet, please keep everything in good taste.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy my Wiki page! :)
In Future Wiki Updates
- Determine new topics for the Knowledge Share section.
- Add more links to Wiki-editing tutorials and resources in the How-to-Wiki Resources section.
- Suggest information to be put on this page! (Use the Discussion tab above!)
How-to-Wiki Resources
Knowledge Share
Many monsters drop materials upon defeat. However, there are some "rare" materials that are not dropped by monsters and are obtainable by other means: as a prize box drop, as a prize wheel prize, bought from certain vendors via tokens, earned from specific missions, and so on. This section covers such materials. A majority of these materials can also be sold or bought at a Auction House; given the difficulty and time to obtain these materials, auction prices may be expensive.
While some of the low-star gear can be obtained by purchase, the key method to obtain almost every piece of gear is by crafting. To craft, you need to acquire Recipes. Once acquired and learned, each recipe details the materials, the energy, the crowns, and any lower-star gear needed to craft your gear. The main benefit of crafting is to have a small chance of obtaining Unique Variants, which are boosted stats for the crafted gear. Do note that not every piece of gear can be crafted because no recipe for them exists; thus, these pieces of gear can only be obtained by directly purchasing them via a Vendor or the Auction House.
Recipes may be obtained in a multitude of ways:
- The Hall of Heroes has a majority of the recipes via nine different Vendors. These recipes automatically bind to you upon purchase. Reaching specific missions allows you to purchase higher-star recipes (e.g. reaching Mission 4-1 allows you to purchase recipes up to 2 stars).
- Several Special Alchemy Machines store their own recipes, thus allowing you to craft at these machines without having to purchase the recipe itself. (Materials, crowns, energy, and lower-star gear are still required to craft.) The gear that can be crafted on these machines can only be crafted via these machines. These alchemy machines are specifically located somewhere in Haven or in the Clockworks.
- A few Vendors carry recipes, either a set list or at random. These vendors include:
- Sullivan has recipes covering five distinct alchemy lines, purchasable via Krogmo Coins. Only these recipes can be attained by Sullivan.
- Vatel has 1- and 2-star recipes for sale, which are randomly set each day. (A random set can also be found via Basil on each visit to the Tier 1 Clockwork Terminial.)
- Basil is a traveling merchant that can be found in two places.
- Clockwork Terminals where he has random pieces of gear for sale depending on the Tier he is situated in.
- Mission lobbies where he has a set of gear available for sale depending on the current mission.
Several recipes can only be initially attained by Basil; to obtain these recipes, knights go on "recipe runs" where they reach the Clockwork Terminal in hope of finding them (which are randomly set per visit). Click on Recipe-ology: Basil-Only Recipes for a complete list of recipes that can only be obtained via Basil.
- Some recipes may be obtained upon completing specific Missions. Unless you need them urgently, there is no need to purchase them. Click on Recipe-ology: Mission-Reward Recipes for a complete list of recipes that can be obtained as rewards from completing specific missions.
Recipe-ology: Basil-Only Recipes
Below is a list of alchemy paths which include upgrade recipes that can only be purchased via the vendor Basil in the proper Clockwork Terminal. Recipes that include a mission list denote mission lobbies where Basil also has that recipe.
Recipe-ology: Mission-Reward Recipes
Below is a list of alchemy paths which include upgrade recipes that can be obtained by completing the respective mission. Note that these recipes are rewarded once and are bound to you when rewarded.
Current Arsenal
As of October 31, 2013.
Recon Module: Gloaming Wildwoods
Recon Module: Royal Jelly Palace
Recon Module: Ironclaw Munitions Factory
Recon Module: Firestorm Citadel
Recon Module: The Gauntlet
Recon Module: Entrance to the Core
Echo Stone: Gloaming Wildwoods
Echo Stone: Royal Jelly Palace
Photo Gallery
View more of my Spiral Knights screenshots on my Steam Community Screenshot Wall.
Abacab is better than Duke. (A Genesis band reference.)
I'm blue. Got a green on the fly, got a green on the fly... ♫
A Core-nundrum, indeed! (First visit to the Core.)
Haven humor in the Garrison.
Gorgos: the one-eyed, four-horned, flyin' purple people eaters.
Where no guy named Aba has gone before (until then)!