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NOTE: This entire page shall be written in the third person, as that's cooler than first-person.

The amazing knight of amazing amazingness.
~-~+~-~ :D ~-~+~-~
Joined: 06/11/2011
Guild: Gyro Avengers


Kellnox is a Tier 3 knight with abmitions that are probably too big. He is a co-guild master of the Gyro Avengers, along with Andmatt and Takendown, some of his first and best friends in all of Cradle! He also loves thinking up ideas to make the game more fun, such as designing bosses.


Kellnox likes to do many things on Spiral Knights after running out of energy, while waiting for his Mist energy to refill, many of which would get him arrested in real life. A few of the ones that wouldn't are hanging out with guild members, lounging around in Haven, Snipe herding, doing basically nothing in the Advanced Training Hall, pretending to be a noob, hiding in bushes, and running in circles.

The things he likes to do before running out of energy include the things in the previous paragraph, and also includes turning on his laptop, opening and logging into Steam, opening and logging into Spiral Knights, walking into the Arcade, entering a gate, and whoopin' some ass in the Clockworks. And then getting his ass whooped by various monsters. Yay.


Kellnox doesn't really have any achievements (Example: Kellnox was not the first player to, say, get a Gran Faust), unless you include the actual in-game ones, of which he is only missing seven, which are:

1: Stellar Set- Amass an Arsenal that includes a 5 star helmet, armor, shield, gun and bomb.

All he needs is a bomb, which will probably be a Graviton Vortex, Dark Briar Barrage, Shivermist Buster, or Voltaic Tempest.

2: Master Miner- Deposit 10,000 minerals into a gate.

This one will be achieved eventually, OOO really needs to put in a counter to show how many minerals you've deposited already.

3: Fully Loaded- Unlock and fill every equipment slot.

Kellnox's got two weapon slots and two trinket slots ready for this one, but he's not using them until he's got some better weaponry.

4: Silver Survivor- Complete a Tier 2 expedition without having to revive.

It's kinda sad that he doesn't have this one yet...

5: Gold Survivor- Complete a Tier 3 expedition without having to revive.

This one's understandable.

6: Cradle and All- Travel the entire Clockworks from depth 0 to depth 29 in a single expedition.

This'll take a while...

7: Dauntless Delver- Travel the entire Clockworks from depth 0 to depth 29 in a single expedition without having to revive.



Kellnox's most used equipped items are all contained in a loadout entitled "Cool St00f," and he almost always uses them in the Clockworks. They are:

SWORD: His trusty Gran Faust, upgraded all the way from a Sealed Sword that Kellnox got for free (well, he got it for 600 CE. Hey, you gotta unbind it!) from his best friend Takendown.

HANDGUN: His Polaris, which he loves, and yet hasn't used that much since it was upgraded from four- to five-stars.

BOMB: None of Kellnox's bombs can really be considered "used", because none of them have... actually been used in the Clockworks, with the sole exception of his Toxic Vaporizer, which was once used on a Royal Jelly run.

ARMOR & HELMET: His Vog Cub coat and cap, his first two five-star equippables. Nothing much can be said about them, they don't have UVs or anything, nor do they have any interesting backstory.

SHIELD: His Barbarous Thorn Shield, which also doesn't have much backstory, besides replacing his Jelly Shield back when both Kellnox and the BTS were two-star.

TRINKET: None as of yet, heh.

COSTUME: His Authentic Phantom Mask, obtained during the Dark Harvest Festival in 2011, is Kellnox's most used costume, and isn't actually in his "Cool St00f" loadout.

It is worth mentioning that he bought a Slime Slasher after dying in a Danger Room very early in his SK-playing "career," and bought a Hot Edge shortly after. Both have been alchemized into their upgraded counterparts.


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