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Monster List in series

Beast Family

Gate Icon-Beast.png

The Beast Family consists of all the creatures within the Clockworks that growl, yelp, bark, and roar. Everything from the pesky Wolvers to the sneaky Chromalisks belong to this vicious family.

Beasts are weak against Defense piercing icon.png Piercing damage and strong against Defense elemental icon.png Elemental damage.

Name Example Tier Class In-game since
Chromalisk An example of a Tier 3 Chromalisk All Tiers Grunt 1Official Launch
Wolver An example of a Tier 3 Wolvers All Tiers Grunt 1Official Launch
Bunny An example of a Tier 3 Dust Bunny All Tiers Mini
10 April 2013
Snarbolax Snarbolax Tier 1 Boss
2 June 2011
Rabid Snarbolax Rabid Snarbolax Tier 3 Boss
19 October 2011

Construct Family

Gate Icon-Construct.png

The Construct Family consists of a variety of machines and automatons found throughout the Clockworks. Many Constructs are of Gremlin design, built to protect the Clockworks from intruders or to help the Gremlins wreak havoc. Other constructs of unknown origin can be found throughout the Clockworks, although almost all are hostile and determined to defend the Clockworks at any cost.

Constructs are weak against Defense elemental icon.png Elemental damage and strong against Defense piercing icon.png Piercing damage.

Name Example Tier Class In-game since
Gun Puppy An example of a Tier 3 Gun Puppy All Tiers Turret 1Official Launch
Lumber An example of a Tier 3 Lumber All Tiers Brute 1Official Launch
Mecha Knight An example of a Tier 3 Mecha Knight All Tiers Elite 1Official Launch
Retrode An example of a Tier 3 Retrode All Tiers Grunt 1Official Launch
Scuttlebot An example of a Tier 3 Scuttlebot All Tiers Grunt 1Official Launch
Battlepod An example of a Battlepod All Tiers Miniboss
22 February 2012
Collector The Collector All Tiers Miniboss
30 July 2013
Tortodrone A corrupted Tortodrone Tier 2 & 3 Miniboss
26 February 2014
Roarmulus Twins The Roarmulus Twins Tier 2 Boss
6 July 2011
Red Roarmulus Twins Red Roarmulus Twins Tier 3 Boss
19 October 2011

Fiend Family

Gate Icon-Fiend.png

The Fiend Family consists of the working class fiends and other evil creatures that roam the Clockworks. Interestingly, this is the only family that cannot be found in the Unknown Passage.

Fiends are weak against Defense piercing icon.png Piercing damage and strong against Defense shadow icon.png Shadow damage.

Name Example Tier Class In-game since
Devilite An example of a Devilite All Tiers Grunt, Elite, and Support 1Official Launch
Gorgo An example of a Tier 3 Gorgo All Tiers Grunt
1 May 2013
Greaver An example of a Greaver All Tiers Elite 1Official Launch
Silkwing A Silkwing All Tiers Support 1Official Launch
Trojan An example of a Tier 3 Trojan All Tiers Giant 1Official Launch
Arkus Arkus Tier 3 Miniboss
7 March 2012
Maulos Maulos Tier 2 & 3 Miniboss
1 August 2012

Gremlin Family

Gate Icon-Gremlin.png

The Gremlin Family is a race of small, mischievous humanoids that are fascinated with machinery and endlessly tinker away at anything they can find. The gremlins were brought to the Clockworks by an unknown means and serve as its builders and repairmen. However, their efforts are often marred by their own tendency to break whatever it is they're attempting to fix, or in many cases, blow it up completely (they're fond of explosives). It is believed that gremlins take their orders from the Crimson Order and King Tinkinzar, or perhaps even from the Core itself.

Gremlins are weak against Defense shadow icon.png Shadow damage and strong against Defense elemental icon.png Elemental damage.

Name Example Tier Class In-game since
Thwacker An example of a Tier 3 Thwacker All Tiers Elite 1Official Launch
Mender An example of a Tier 3 Mender All Tiers Support 1Official Launch
Scorcher An example of a Tier 3 Scorcher All Tiers Elite 1Official Launch
Demo An example of a Tier 3 Demo All Tiers Elite 1Official Launch
Knocker An example of a Knocker All Tiers Grunt
22 February 2012
Mortafire An example of a Mortafire All Tiers Brute
29 February 2012
Stalker An example of a Stalker All Tiers Elite
29 February 2012
Razwog Schemer Razwog Tier 1 Miniboss
9 May 2012
Sputterspark Sputterspark Tier 2 & 3 Miniboss
21 May 2014
Herex Herex, the Whispering Venom Tier 3 Miniboss
13 May 2015
Seerus Warmaster Seerus All Tiers Miniboss
29 February 2012

Jelly Family

Gate Icon-Slime.png

The Slime Family consists of all the gooey, icky, and gelatinous creatures of the Clockworks. They generally lack a true form and can often take any number of shapes. They're not to be taken lightly, however. While some of them may exhibit no more intelligence than is required to eat and divide, others are quite smart, even capable of ruling small portions of the labyrinth. The mightiest slime tyrants command huge armies that they rule with an iron fist-shaped appendage.

Slimes are weak against Defense shadow icon.png Shadow damage and strong against Defense piercing icon.png Piercing damage.

Name Example Tier Class In-game since
Jelly An example of a Tier 3 Jelly Cube All Tiers Grunt and Mini 1Official Launch
Lichen An example of a Lichen All Tiers Grunt and Giant 1Official Launch
Polyp An example of a Tier 3 Polyp All Tiers Turret 1Official Launch
Drop An example of a Tier 3 Glop Drop All Tiers Mini
10 April 2013
Royal Jelly Royal Jelly Tier 2 Boss 1Official Launch
Ice Queen Ice Queen Tier 3 Boss
19 October 2011
Treasure Mimic Treasure Mimic All Tiers Miniboss
27 June 2019

Undead Family

Gate Icon-Undead.png

The Undead Family consists of ghosts and skeletons which haunt the Clockworks (although no one seems sure exactly what creatures these ghosts and skeletons came from!). These undead creatures seem to haunt only particular areas, hinting of a tragic past. Skeletons possess the ability to hide within the ground, digging their way out to attack the unwary, while ghosts like to surprise their victims from behind.

Undeads are weak against Defense elemental icon.png Elemental damage and strong against Defense shadow icon.png Shadow damage.

Name Example Tier Class In-game since
Howlitzer An example of a Tier 3 Howlitzer All Tiers Turret 1Official Launch
Kat An example of a Tier 3 Spookat All Tiers Grunt 1Official Launch
Zombie An example of a Dust Zombie All Tiers Grunt 1Official Launch
Phantom A Phantom All Tiers
2 March 2011
Almirian Crusader An Almirian Crusader Tier 2 & 3 Elite
28 June 2012
Deadnaught An example of a Deadnaught All Tiers Giant 1Official Launch
Bombie An example of a Bombie All Tiers Brute
28 June 2012
Scarab An example of a Tier 3 Grave Scarab All Tiers Mini
10 April 2013
Gourdling An example of a Grim Gourdling All Tiers Event
19 October 2011
Margrel Margrel Tier 2 Boss
30 January 2013

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