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To Do
High Priority
Highest Priority:[show]
- Improve star template.
- Clean up event calendars with detailed information about what was new for each occurrence, as was done with Winterfest#Calendar.
- Remove "0" placeholders on Prize Box pages (the odds column), adjust template so it can still sort things properly.
- Prize Box pages to make disambig pages for (with template:about at the top leading to disambig page for first instances):
- Anniversary
- Equinox
- Katastrophe
- Polar
- Regalia
- Solstice
- Surprise
- Include a short section in notes mentioning the differences in the boxes each year? This would be moved from the calendar section, allowing for bulkier wording.
- Really clean up Help:Style guide, turning it into a user-friendly table of contents for all relevant Help pages. Make sure it's super duper, because I can't edit forever. So letting new editors know how it's done clearly and efficiently is priority.
- Add help pages for: navigation (user-oriented, while Help:linking is editor-oriented), involving explanations about "Go" vs. "search" and how to search.
- Create an easy list of the wiki's namespaces and links to their indexes, as well as explaining what each namespace is for and how editors go about maintaining them (similar to wikipedia's article on the matter). As far as I can tell, our wiki's SpecialPages doesn't have an easy access to these, and knowing which ones exist is only available (again, afaik) by looking at the drop-down menu of certain search menu interfaces. Which makes it a pain to get to individual indexes by changing the number in the URL.
- Outline more differences between Help namespace and Help category in this Namespace list...even Wikipedia isn't consistent with itself for this. I think that's where a lot of the initial confusion with the namespace issue on our wiki came from, because Wikipedia has a lot of Wikipedia namespace pages in help, specific to editing, but there are also pages specific to editing that are just in the Help namespace (maybe they somehow involve general users seeing them easily, similar to delete tags?). We being a sub-wiki don't have a division between general wiki usage vs. editing help pages, so the Spiralknights namespace got all confused and mixed in, as it seems to have "wanted" to be similar to the Wikipedia namespace, which is even redirected to projects. Blargh, so knotted up!
- Editor-oriented list of "weirdness," such as why files have -Equipped in the name even though it's a tooltip rotation. Because past things and game changes and we don't want to rename files! And all sorts of things like that.
- Create a guide for the stuff in the toolbox, if it's specific to our wiki.
- Reminder of wiki editing timestamps vs. the editor's potential time difference on their computer.
- Move "recommendations" sections into their own subpages, and link to it in see also instead. Make sure they register for appropriate categories. They're quite bulky for the pages and almost entirely opinionated, so including them in the main isn't very "wiki," but players definitely like them.
- Thanks to User:Knishtra52 for bringing this issue to light and helping with content.
- Make a consistent format for a fused "gallery" with "strategy" captions. Follow example of Legion of Almire/Inner Sanctum.
- Work on grouping and subpage system. Emphasize when to link to/create a subpage vs. a category in a relevant Style guide Help page.
- Finish area project. Infobox discussion and area page format discussion
- What remains are the non-"habitat" region page formats, level subpages.
- After bulk work on area project is done, add generalized gallery section to area pages (including news visuals whenever relevant). This is vital to show the general "look of the land" and exploration entities such as candlestick keep candles. Alternatively, create a subpage dedicated to the gallery to decrease load time. Some of these galleries will be huge.
- Finish geography subpages, including maps and area images for "set" levels. I think only missions are left now, and shadow lairs.
- After all those are done, update Stratum page with Template:Location.
- Implement acquisition templates. (Discussed in forum node 112858) and fix ToC order on equipment pages
- User:Altmetal is doing a great job with these changes, thank you!
- Fix (all) vendor lists so they follow the other sortable list template formats (yellow header, blue borders, blue background), and so they're not as repetitive - this would involve a flexible column for items that can be purchased by more than one type of currency (Randolph is such an example, and the Dark Harvest Prize Box for different kinds of candy is as well). There are many wayward vendor list templates out there, it's time to fuse their functions so we don't have all these different templates with white or blue backrounds etc. floating around. Columns should include: Name, Type (costume, usable, etc. - arsenal terminology), flexible Cost column, Notes about circumstance of acquisition such as rank limit in HoH (and for historical points/price changes if relevant).
- Each HoH mission has its own special little gate map names, fix pages accordingly.
- Work on List of Alchemy Stations and check through each individual alchemy machine page for consistencies.
- Improve wording of costume pages regarding redundant/repeated DoR data in notes sections. This data is usually in the sortable table below, unless the item is "unique." For unique items, specify date, as with Power Pistons. The Serene costume armor items are being...problematic.
- Help with "Grey Havens" transition. Node 114181 for details. Be prepared for a new system of news/changes displays, compared to Template:Release and Template:DoRSource.
Med Priority
Med Priority[show]
- Improve rarity organization around wiki. Sortable list on main page, individual pages with clear acquisition information.
- Make "list of Sprite reskin" pages for each sprite, so that "main" sprite pages can have consistent format and navigation is slightly more intuitive.
- Make categories for "Accessory species" vs. actual Accessories, so Category:Accessories is a true census of all individual accessory items. Currently, pages such as Bolted Vee (vs. Prismatic Bolted Vee) are mixed together in one category.
- Finish OCH mission page format, after Clotho/Billing work out what they're going to do. Gate Map fusion and level maps have been uploaded. Could do levels while we wait, I suppose.
- Fix the exploration page so locations are in a show/hide only if they are listed, otherwise users can assume the entity is a common sight.
- Fix up recipe template system. Be sure to include crafting location, using the alchemy machine icons.
- Finish organizing color theme categories/category tags on pages.
- Fix the list on the Ticket page to have better icon positioning and linking.
- Fix the format of various location pages, after we reconsider "Garrison" vs. "Haven Garrison" etc. We have decided on "Haven BLAHBLAH," for both future concerns, they're seen in-game too. This involves moving content into redirect pages and redirects.
- Organize all of this so the page doesn't seem like such a mess/repeated - have to look into "area" pages with Denizen lists again, see if they can be organized better. Stuff below large lists is bad for navigational purposes. Perhaps the denizen list should simply be compressed into simple bullets+names+minor role note, as much of this this information fluff that will eventually be entirely covered on individual NPC pages?
- Reword Shadow Lair page to make sense with release 2013-10-16
- Make an actual page for each Shadow Lair
- Clean up NPC list
- Use proper "release" linking
- Add a list/section regarding how each relevant rank mission influences the lab ("Pakrat joins after the player completes blahblah," etc)
- Fix Prismatic Aspect information on individual costume/equipment pages, using {{Prismatic Aspect}}
- Simplify the note rows in master Costume and Accessory lists by reducing to simple "tags," so CTRL+F still works. Emphasize Unique. Adjust the list usage guides accordingly. Ditch icons?
- Split the costume list into helmet and armor sections. Set information is always on individual pages. Adjust template to not include the slot column accordingly. Remove use of icons, emphasizing the use of the word "unique" FIRST in note row tags.
- Overhaul monsters (forum discussion)
- Turn Visual Encyclopedia/creature into a sortable "list gallery," showing all the information it currently has in a user-oriented sortable format. Include name, image, class, tier, status, and possibly a narrow notes/keyword column. Currently have a demo in the Sandbox.
- Fix the boss page into a sortable list, each boss is a complex entity with many aspects, therefore each needs their own page, not a tiny section of a list page.
- Improve format and wording for Haven district pages, The Core, Hall of Heroes, and Rescue Camp pages. Them maps.
- Make image tags consistent.
- Make an "Accessory/End" template that has "about the list" so the information is at the bottom, certain browsers do not like the showhide tab in relation to redirects and anchors, and implement.
- Furniture (forum discussion)
- standardize list format - rename templates and make better in general
- standardize page format - "See Also" needs to be the only thing under lists.
- reorganize - don't do pages by group, that's not flexible enough
- Guild Hall
- standardize list format
- Fix trinket infobox and recipe (the heat statement doesn't make sense for trinkets)
- Add history to spiral starter items, when more colors were made available etc.
- Make Confetti animations.
- Fix Sets (consistent file naming for sets) and get pics of 5* gunslinger stuff.
- Fix various set inputs on several costume pages (regarding hyphens especially) so images show up once established+moved/reuploaded (in lists)
- Figure out what a "set" is (vs. collection, family, group)
- Move set info into infobox for combat gear pages.
- Maps
- Work with HexZyle on this to make epic
- Add sortable "gallery" list to area pages for randomized segments
- NPCs:
- Make a page for each important NPC (has dialogue and/or something else important)
- Make a page for misc NPCs
- Merge pages that seem to need merging (Researcher into Knights etc)
- Add NPC dialogue information to mission pages where relevant
- Replace what links here with Template:NPCList
- Make a master NPC page? Or just stick to category?
- Overhaul gear infoboxes and categories specifically regarding monster bonuses
- Make token page into list format
- Split the accessory list into slot subsections ("List of X slot accessories" pages?). Adjust template to not include the slot column accordingly.
- This involves splitting the Aura page into individual aura pages. We don't have a giant list of "helmet top" slot accessories, for example. For a long time, there were not many different auras, so I think that's why the page is the way it is atm. But now we have X Leafy Auras, X-Gem Auras, and a bunch of uniques. This should help search and load time as well as be consistent (atm, users have to load ALL the auras to find out about one aura. That's silly).
Low Priority
Low Priority[show]
- Make a page: list of stealth/hidden updates, such as brigandine butts.
- Clean up List of glitches so that visuals and glitches are next to each other instead of in different sections.
- Gradually implement Template:Quote, with Tooltip as source for many entries.
- Update old sprite visuals to be consistent size with newer sprite visuals.
- Make a page: Lobby and list various lobby types and their descriptions and functions.
- Finding out if there is one already, make one if not: Category for "time-sensitive/transient conditions" data pages such as those edited by guilds as well as mission subpages?
- Make gallery mimic templates have more similar inputs, documentation for them.
- Bother Icytea about icons for Node Slime and a few others.
- Fix template naming convention for costume recolors to match accessory - not a priority cause redirect is working, but the internal editor tips should be accurate.
- Create an "aesthetic list," involving sortable acc slot columns to reduce confusion regarding built-in accessories or other items. Sometimes they take up the slot, sometimes they don't! "Why" doesn't matter, only whether or not they do. Will include "forms" as well. Perhaps a category system would be better than a sortable list?
- Start listing SD (and AH) sale prices for items where relevant. Use a showhide with bullets by year so prices can easily be compared and referred to without taking up space/distracting from the other info. A master list of all (known) items that have been in sales, with this data, on the Supply Depot Sale page is desired and has been requested by users, and it would be useful.
- Shroud of the Apocrea: improve Lost Soul pictures, when the event comes again
- Make a page: "Alchemy Path" that describes the crafting tendencies and whatnot (redirect to category page?)
- Make a page: "Crash Pod" (or as Rhendon calls them, escape pods) disambiguation. Include furniture pod, danger lobby pods, bechamel's pod, all da pods.
- Hubert deserves a page, if only to make miscellaneous slimes jelly. As in envious.
- Fix armor accessory tooltips whenever the opportunity arises
- Make a list of where the "Rain Shower" environment shows up in clockworks. C42...Raving Rabids (always?), A New Threat...A few other missions...
- Gallery for prize box pages, featuring the special stuff in bulk instead of individually/wayward (not important)
- Tweak acc lists on individual acc pages so that recolors are always on bottom. Logic: recolors will tend to always be the most recent things released, and the date order is less disruptive when you don't have a year+ gap near the bottom.
- Make a page: Spiral Uplink, explaining its history and what it is. Link in some manner to news article.
- Fix the Battle Sprite tooltip images to have a hyphen, consistent with other images. Will likely require several template fixes and reuploads/moves, gross.
- On the note of sourcing, make a template similar to Template:Copyrightsource for news images. Fix "Spiral Knight's" to "Spiral Knights" while adding.
- Add reasonable user-friendly sortability to the "cost" column of Template:WareList. Methods: invisible placeholders (extremely difficult with unit variation, would need to split inputs and fix individual pages), or individualized inputs that would be invisible values before the cost display (such as 1,2,3, and then have 2.2, 3.3 etc. for vendors such as Brinks. Both = a lot of work on individual pages, so figure it out before mass implementing the template on the rest of the vendor pages.
Files to be organized in some way[show]
File:Preview-Caketastrophe.png - named weirdly
File:Black Kat Event.png vs. File:SpiralKnights News 71-big.png (news preferable, shows more of the art, albeit with logo)Scrapped
Scrapped (Decided not to do)[show]
- Add animation (ifexist) to image tags for convenience? Only after we get most/all of these uploaded.
- Reason: bleh!
- Add entire gate map visuals to galleries of mission pages? Would require some splicing. Idk, that might be too much science.
- Reason: just link to the geographical area, only include super special areas encountered exclusively in the mission.
- Start up "monster-themed" categories for people who like to cosplay/collect.
- Going to just mention related costumes on monster pages, and monsters on costume pages+main list. Future editors can make this category if they wish.
- Strategic Map Images
- Reason: we can just link to videos, or put a description next to a screenshot of the area. Strategic Map Images are a lot of work for editors, and they use several semi-official icons at best.
- "Template:Tip-Mouseover-Description"
- Scrapped (added delete tag and removed use of template): 21 September 2015. Reason: Not all users (especially phone) have the convenience of mousehovering.
- Direct linking for prize box pages instead of through redirects so that the back button doesn't go to the top of the item's list page when clicked once (Firefox only issue?) - really the whole wiki needs to be as such, or have navigation adjusted somehow.
- Decided not to do this because it's a lot of work for little gain, and would be very hard to do for all the "little links" around the wiki, not just the big list templates.
- Template:Gembox
- Decided not to do this, because users can just look at Floating Gems to see a quick list of gem boxes. Not exactly intuitive, but time is a resource and making a nice gembox list (Category:Groupings style) and implementing it on each gembox page is not a high priority. It would be a very nice thing to do if anyone feels like it.
- Merge various prize box pages
- Instead: do Disambig pages as before, but very consistently, making Prize Box page a list of prize box types, Category:Prize Boxes a census, and some wiki-wide template cleanup entry wherever possible for acquisition sections and years.
- Lots of other things I didn't keep track of until I started keeping track of things in here.
- Never Done, our duty is unending.
- Battle Sprite "gallery" code mimic. Ask Clotho to move sprite images to better names once established.
- Done: 27 February 2015
- Fix informative text area of Accessory page
- Done: 01 March 2015
- Fix switch for category regarding "obsolete" in-game official stuff vs. "retired" guilds.
Or just make retired guilds obsolete? idk. Must decide later.Decided to go with switch.
- Done: 03 March 2015
- Alchemy Paths update (Thanks Skepticraven for making template)
- Done: 11 March 2015
- Make a single plug-n-chug template for linking SE and another for linking Color themes (instead of one template per SE and one template per Theme)...
Maybe even a single category linking template for all these aesthetic things. switchy switchy- nah.
- Done: 12 March 2015
- Add date of release information to accessory lists. This should aid in clarity - what should users expect? New players should get an idea right away about how/when things are put into the game...
- Done: 20 March 2015
- Notes column of Costume page (make it like accessory page)
- Done: 23 March 2015 (finally)
- Tweak weaponinfo infobox template to link to status through ability images as well as register for "weapons that can inflict BLAH status" categories? Could easily be done with one input and a few switches.
- Done: 24 March 2015 (not fully implemented on individual pages)
- add infobox screenshots to the little tooltip icon popup "whoops" thing
- Done: 27 March 2015
- Fix special categories that sort numerically but do not claim to sort numerically (armor/helmet/shield defenses and status resistances)
- Done: I totally forget but sometime April 2015
- Fix news page and template inputs to not be stupid
- Done: 14 May 2015
- Find the missing Tier 1 minis and upload pics, fix tags
- Done: 15 May 2015
- Fix up lockbox page
- Done: 02 June 2015 (of course, the possible prizes need work still)
- Finish GearList project
- Done: 25 June 2015
- Improve Mission Page format
- Done: 26 July 2015 (implementation still needs doing - polish on template:level is "complete")
- Overhaul Exploration
- Done: 10 August 2015 (format implemented)
- Overhaul and update horribly out of date material page and individual material pages
- Done: Late August 2015/Early September 2015, editors are still validating recipes. Forum discussion.
- Fix up and implement a decent Template:About.
- Done: well, made the coding and documentation better 29 August 2015. Implementation is gradual and done only if needed.
- Finish "lost soul disambiguation" project. Update dialogues, Use the NPC list template instead of bullets.
- Done: 03 September 2015 (a few images could be better, though. Can't get until next event)
- rename Template:Area to Template:AreaInfo
- Done: 08 September 2015
- Improve the Artifact and The Artifact pages regarding content and wiki-wide semi-disambiguation issues.
- Done: 11 September 2015
- Fix map names for SW and GA (my bad)
- Done: 15 September 2015
- Fix missions which have a "!" in their name (as per discussion).
- Done: 12 October 2015
- Make Template:DoRSource and add it to relevant templates, since dates are dates and they're not going to change and they show up on multiple pages. Explain exceptions such as 01 October 2014 here.
- Done: 12 October 2015
- Phase out Template:Eventexpired, as per discussion.
- Done: 12 October 2015
- Improve content of Crafting page.
- Done: 27 October 2015
- Fix steam acquisition wording around the wiki where relevant, link to Unpacking on Steam FAQ page
- Done: 07 November 2015
- Fix Prismatic Aspect information on individual accessory pages, using {{Prismatic Aspect}}
- Done: 08 November 2015. Thanks to User:Snarbylord for mass implementation on accessory pages.
- Fix redundant wording for accessory pages regarding DoR data.
- Done: 08 November 2015.
- Fix Template:Link+Icon and Template:PrizeBox so they can be used consistently and not overlap. Similar to how Template:Token was fixed in relation to disambiguation issues.
- Done: 24 November 2015
- Add laboratory floor information to all the sprite missions (finished dialogues after a nap).
- Done: 08 December 2015
- Figure out what happens in the lab if a knight who hasn't completed any of the sprite rank missions opens a sprite pod.
- Done: 08 Dec 2015. The player can obtain pods, but not open them, until 2-3
Mission: An Eternal Bond is completed.
- Get a knight into each Player Rank so I can collect data easier regarding prestige and various other things.
- Done: 09 Dec 2015.
- Fix format of Clockwork Terminal page (got bumped up in priority due to Basil template linking = it will get a lot more visits)
- Done: 12 Dec 2015
- Finish acquisition template (User:HexZyle/Template:RecipeLocation and rename to ItemType/Acquisition) codes
- Done: 12 Dec 2015 (Many thanks to Hikaru for doing chassis entries back in September 2015)
- Move pages such as "how to make eyes visuals" on the Talk:Eyes pages etc. to Spiralknights (or help?) space (similar to Spiralknights:Redirect). Clotho has responded regarding this issue under topic "wiki namespaces."
- Done: 14 Dec 2015
- Make subpages for news page to reduce loadtime
- Done: 14 Dec 2015
- Winterfest: Update
Event Mission: Save Winterfest! page: Mission page format, Clean up images, Differentiate clearly between the two possible levels, Level subpages
- Done: 21 Dec 2015 (Including Gate Map and strategy based on Token data)
- Finish Gate Map fusion project
- Done: 21 Dec 2015, prestige were completed 30 Dec 2015, Template:GateMap has been phased out.
- Fix various exploration files to be more accurate
- Done: 22 Dec 2015 (more may change/show up as time goes on)
- Adjust logic for costume taxonomy to be in line with recent merger format (discussed here)
- Done: 24 Dec 2015
- Winterfest: Finish documentation of Winterfest "Mysterious Rooms"
- Done: 26 Dec 2015
- Winterfest: Update
Event Dangerous Mission: Grinchlin Assault! page: Mission page format, Clean up images, Level subpages, strategy
- Done: 27 Dec 2015 (Bulk done on 24 Dec 2015)
- Finish data entry for Prestige Mission Rotation and subpages
- Done: 02 January 2016
- Finish mission page format
- Done: 04 January 2016 (06 January 2016 - some minor missing details on a few prestige mission pages)
- Do something about that Danger Mission page.
- Done: 06 January 2016 (decided to just redirect it due to repeated information in tangential format, created talk page just in case)
- Improve Player Rank table information. It could be more clear, and some entries are incorrect regarding the arcade vs. prestige vs. HoH.
- Done: 13 January 2016, thanks to all those alts from 09 Dec 2015's account endeavor.
- Fix the "knot" of news file redirects for danger missions.
- Done: 13 January 2016. Yes some of them are not true PNGs, but I could not find a source of png. The Google+ account tends to use png in more recent posts. Sorry if the file size vs. jpg quality is super bothersome. Shhhh. If you find a true png source, definitely upload them and source them please. GA file continues to be bothersome because it does not fit into the news image system we all love so much but it is protected (we have this file in use), but that is okay, because it was uploaded long before we even had the system. But thinking about these factors, it might actually be more worthwhile to stick to the redirects, even though they feel lazy and, well, not "right." The fact the wiki even allows us to functionally redirect them is significant, though.
- "True subpage system": Fix all geography subpages to be actual subpages using the "/" character instead of ":".
- Done: 16 and 17 January 2016 (see move log)
- As a result of "true subpage system", fix all gate maps so they don't link through redirects by implementing Template:Location (this should also be used whenever possible so we maintain control of location linking+icon format for entire wiki with a single master template). Add "last=yes" to relevant gate map floor for each gate map. After all the changes, clean up the code of Template:GateLevel and update documentation. Add delete tags to the subpages that use ":" to divide "area" from "level" after making sure nothing links to or through them. This results in: consistent true subpage naming convention, direct linking (instead of through redirects), control of location format, and lets users choose to go to area or level via navigation now. Hurray! And most of the randomly generated subpages do not exist yet, so there will be several red text links until those are created.
- Done: 18 January 2015
- Fix format regarding DoR in Battle Sprite lists to be consistent with other DoRSource-type information tables.
- Done: 06 February 2016
- Add hidden numeric values to DoRSource so that Templates using DoRSource can sort the information chronologically after other columns have been sorted.
- Done: 19 February 2016
- Add Template:DoRSource to Color Pattern page.
- Done: 21 February 2016
- Fix several namespace issues. Redirects are numerous and do not need destination fixing unless they are massively implemented/templates, because that's what redirects are for. See Clotho's talk page under issue "Wiki namespaces" for more details about this nasty knot of namespace issues.
- Done: 29 February 2016
- Fix Template:Copyrightsource (again)
- Done: 29 February 2016
- Fix all the inconsistently named gate icons, and their usage around the wiki, to be the actual names so they are 1) not confusing and 2) can work with template systems without ridiculous switches and specificity.
- Done: Candlestick Keep (19 January 2016)
- Done: Devilish Drudgery (21 January 2016)
- Done: Lichenous Lair (23 January 2016)
- Done: Wolver Den (01 March 2016)
- Upload Spiraltail costume sets and fix the Mask and Mail pages to display set visuals.
- Done: 01 March 2016
- Resolve issue: Userspace usage of duplicates of mainspace prestige badge files under guidelines of Help:Pseudo Personal Space Protocol section 2.1 (posted and discussed/resolved: User talk:Clotho issue: "Fixing" User usage of mainspace files).
- Done: 01 March 2016
- Add Template:DoRSource to the News template (fuse the date columns with forum post column, users can just CTRL+F numbers for approximates of those stats). Organize the template so the News post content is allowed to extend to the right to fit monitors, with the rest of the stuff on the left.
- Done: 18 March 2016
- Fix the # column to link to a "big" news image with "if" conditions because not all boxes have their own post art.
- Done: 6 April 2016
- Add Template:DoRSource to calendars as the start date, thus removing the "Announcement" column that takes up so much space. Tertiary posts can go in notes. Double check anywhere the Template:CalendarTable is used for overlap dates and format issues.
- Done: 13 April 2016
- Remove "0" placeholder in DoRSource. Check "what links here" for DoRSource to fix all dates in relation to the removed 0 placeholder.
- Done: 16 April 2016